Chapter One

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Chapter One

900 A.D

"Lord Ares were losing ground and it's going fast!" Ares Erebus thought for less than a moment. Inflaming his hands with raging fire. He looked to his fellow nobles.

"Today we fight for POWER!" He shouted.

"Yes, we are," Dyinisis says lowly as they rush into battle.


Present 2014

Gissella watched as her friend barked out orders to the student council. The prom was coming and she dreaded it. Though the date wasn't set it was only a month away.

Her friend was tall with dough eyes. She was kind, gentle and arrogant. That was until you made her mad. She no doubt would be the student body president when Wendy graduated this year.

"So when is Branda coming back?" She asked her friend, Kali. Branda was out because she got really sick. Something about the flu or a cold or something.

"In like two days," she says checking some things on a clipboard. "I know we all miss her," she says sighing placing her face in her hands then looking up at Gissella. "Yeah I hope she feels better, she's already got a date to the prom. " Kali gushes.

Gissella looks down at the gym floor studying the dirt in-between cracks.

"Who.?" Gissella asks monotonously. "Oh come on Gelly, loosen up!" She says smiling at her friends somber expression. "Ok WHO O.M.G!!" She says with false happiness. Putting her hands together. Kali bursts out in a fit of laughter. "It's Thomas Crawford," She says grinning from ear to ear. Gissella freezes.

"What?!" she said flabbergasted.

"W-with him... Ew!" Gissella sticks her tongue out in disgust.

"What what's wrong with him, he's football captain, an all A student and he's hot." She list off with her fingers shoving them in Gissella's face.

"He just, I just didn't think the jock type was her type at all," She says.

"Well yeah, she's been crushing on him since forever," Kali said getting up. "Can you do me a favor?" She asks. Gissella nodded.

"Can you go to the library and pick up these books. I need them for literature." She hands over a sheet of paper with neatly written cursive on it.

"Thanks, Loser," she says hugging her best friend back to her work.


She walked to the fiction section of the library, which was oddly ice-cold and eerily quiet. She was the only one in there and she was a little spooked. She was searching for a book called Valderglass: The Slayer of Camia.

She quickly skimmed through each bookshelf for the book until something caught her eye. She gently tugged on the book with ease, it fell I'm her lap. It had no words on the cover. Just old worn brown leather.

With slick fingers, she glided her fingers across the book and got a surge. Well, it was more like shock or a jolt throughout her whole body. It was good jolt like she was supposed to open this book. So she did.....

"Ow," she says inspecting the finger she nicked on the old paper. The blood stained the corner.

Accedite ad sanguinem, et accersi mortem.

Tu quidem optare necem occurrit apud illum: Nunc vos vidistis oculis tuis.

Si vidisses cum Angeli morte animas infidelium quomodo facies et percute dorsum. Dicens: " Gusta poena flammarum.


Ut benedicat tibi.


She read the text out loud, a cold breeze swirled around her. Her heart pounded painfully then it was gone. It was in latin Gissella was sure of it and the paper was stale and old. She could smell it. The only few words she understood was death, angel and life. She took Latin in 10th grade but didn't really pay to much attention. She turned to the next page. It was an illustration of a young man on a black horse looking down on a bloody battlefield.

A smug look was on his face and his men behind him were covered in blood. The one thing that stood out was the tall black figure that stood beside him like a shadow of death.

The page opposite to it talked about the first battle of Ares Erebus. Also known as the vampire king.

He was born to Alchels and Talpys who were two of the most powerful vampires. He was sent to Balgus at the age of 16. There he was to conquer The Kingdom Balgus. Which he successfully did but he fell in love with a gypsy an evil one. Who Seduced him and tried to rip his heart out to give to his enemy. But she failed and created a book that could bind him to who ever read it. She cast a spell on him and then disappeared. Some of the pages in the book was ripped out. She began to come up with her own story.

Was that a punishment? Gissella thought, people would kill to live forever. It was something people wanted but could never have because it was unrealistic.

She jumped at a hand on her shoulder she quickly turned around it was Kali.

"I got scared it took you forever, you've been in here for over twenty minutes," She says looking at the book She was reading. "What's that?" She asks sitting down next to her.

"It's a book about a king being cursed or something," She says looking at the picture of the shadow man. "Oh I never knew you were into that kind of stuff Loser," she says teasingly.

"I'm not, it just caught my eye is all," She says feeling a little embarrassed. Kali shrugged and dusted off her clothes giving a hand to Gissella. "Well, I can get my books myself," She says smiling. " But I still have some work to do around the school so go home without me and tell mom to just put my food up," She says hugging her little sister.

Gissella got up and grabbed her tote bag she did a double take and picked up the book placing it inside.


900 a.d

He paced outside of the tent. Elite troops were rallying in the nearest town. By sunrise, they would begin a march into battle against the false king. Ares's heart sank at the realization that there was no way he could save everyone.

"Kill every man, woman, and child." He knew if he let the children live they would rally against him and try to over through his reign. He couldn't have that and as much as he didn't want to kill them he had too.

"Ares, there are people-," Dyinisis, his best friend and trusted advisor, protested. Ares sneered at him. How dare he go against his king once he spoke it was law? Though he knew it wasn't meant in a bad way, it was the talk of the uprising by itself.

"Do you want to join them?!" He asks slamming his fist down on the table. "I didn't think so," He says "Send them out," He says turning his back on him. The tent flaps flutter from his retreat.


"Caroline is doing what?" Gissella says gasping between her parents. They looked at each other unsure of what to say. "She's getting married." Her dad says shamefacedly. "She's only sixteen, aunt Mabel can't be encouraging that!" She says scowling shaking her head. "Well she is, she gave her consent to them." Her mom says taking a swig from her wine glass. She was more devastated about it then she lead on. "Mom you need to talk her out of that. What if... What if it was me or Kali?!" Gissella says eyeballing her mom. "Well thank God it isn't," She says drinking the rest of her wine.

The rest of dinner was quiet nobody said much. Kali's plate was in the microwave. Gissella went to her room to go study. Well, she tried but she was once again drawn to the old worn book. She took it out of her bag and placed it on her desk and began reading where she left off. just a few pages were missing.

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