Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


Relic sat on the porch of their summer home with old Rogel and James. They had a mission to do, Find out what happened to the Camia. Over the years, he's heard a thing that did not reach any of the other members to be more specific Ares. He finally found out how to connect to his full potential. He knew without a doubt Dyinisis did something to Ursha and put her into hiding. He just needs to find out how and why.

What did he have to gain from hiding Ursha and steal one of Ares's family relics? The thing about the dead was they always talked weather or not you wanted to hear them.

"What are you thinking about?" James ask drinking some type of animal blood he conjured up.

"Just about some old paths, I'm trying to put together.". Rogel had gotten old he understood the aging process of a turned vampire versus a full one. They just aged slower but the would die eventually.

"You're the only one I trust besides Ares. Dyinisis had something to do with Ursha we just need to figure out what.". He says taking the blood drink out of James's hand taking a small sip before spitting it out. "How do you drink that it putrid."

"Well, since the five council banned the draining of humans. I only got animal blood." He says drinking it effortlessly.

"I might have to make a trip to hell."


"Gissella, are you ok?" Kali says walking into the kitchen. She stopped dead in her spot. Her little sister was kissing the vampire. Gissella jumped in her place while Zane seemed to be unaffected by her present. "What are you doing to my little sister." Kali says angrily to Zane who let go of Gissella. "What does it look like. We were kissing." He says to her. By this time, everyone came downstairs spectating. Kali slowly walked towards Zane. lightly grazing the needle bombs. She knew if she hurt him, it would be a bloodbath. But this was her sister it was different.

"Kali, I kissed him." Gissella says. Everyone's eyes were on her. She felt her skin get hot and clammy. Valentina glared at her with an evil eye.

Kali's eyes went wild Gissella could tell her sister was holding it back. "You guys should go." She says Zane looks at his clutch and motions for them to leave. Dyinisis looks at Gissella and walks out the door along with the vampire hunting team.

Zane peaks Gissella on the lips lightly looking up at Kali as he did so. Her phone buzzed

Zane: I'll be back later for the book.

She took a huge gulp and looked at her sister


Relic sat Indian style on his bed with candles lit all around him summoning his power. Rogel was sitting in the corner watching over him and the house. James left earlier to go and get the rest of the clutch. Relic slowly cleared his mind till a warm feeling suppressed his body into subconsciousness. He closed his eyes and breath in and out slowly until he was engulfed in fiery heat.

"Hello Relic, I haven't seen you in many years.". Necros says from his throne of bones.

"Why I'm only here in spirit.". He says laughing but then getting serious. "I need to know something." Necros smile falls and turns to a somber expression.

"What is it?" he asks narrowing his eyes.

"When was the last time you had contact with Azrael Dyinisis Vonderheid?"

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