(7) Conflicted

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That day spent at Hunter's house was very awkward. Turns out, he had a sister and she was the owner of the voice. Who would've thought that Hunter would have a sister? I mean, it's not impossible, but it was surprising.

"Hey, did you possibly forget the thermometer anywhere?" Ryan asked, as he was coming down the staircase. He had Nathan's bag in one hand and his backpack in the other.

"I'm so positive I put it in the bag," I replied and continued to rock Nathan. He was a pretty light sleeper. "Did you check the drawer? You know, the one with all of his medical supplies?"

Ryan gave me a confused look, "We have one of those?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, we do. Go check and see if it's there or not."

"You don't tell me what to do."

"I'm not telling you what to do, Ryan. I'm just giving you an idea of where to look, so can you please just go check? I don't want to not know his temperature."

Ryan dropped the bags on the ground and ran back up stairs to check the drawer. You could say that he's been more helpful, but then again it's only been a week. I think he's doing this more for Kylie than for me or Nathan, but at least he's helping.

"Okay," Ryan came back downstairs, thermometer in hand. "I got it. Let's get going. I don't want to be late to Shawn's."

Shawn and Emily were throwing a little get-together with a couple of our friends and family. Maybe it's a big get-together, but Shawn has a big house so it's okay.

"You know, we're better at this than I expected," I commented, strapping Nathan in his car seat. "I really thought that one of us, more like you, would quit the class."

Ryan scoffed, "Thanks for believing in me. I appreciate it."

Ryan and I have not been fighting as much as we used to. I think the fact that we're both so busy with Nathan, school, and other personal stuff we don't have the time to argue. Yeah, we've argued over who should clean or do laundry and what not, but there's been less fighting. Man, am I glad.

"I seriously can not believe that they expect us to take care of a real life baby and spend our own money on them," Ryan said. "We have to care for it like it's our own baby? I don't think so."

"Ryan, just go with it. Our school is crazy and maybe it's because we're seniors," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "They probably just want us to feel like adults before going off to college."

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, sure. We're freaking eighteen. We shouldn't feel this type of adult feeling just yet."

I gave him a smile, "Aw, thanks for not saying a bad word."

I made Ryan stop saying any sort of bad word because we now had Nathan. Nathan can not hear a single bad word or even the spelling of one. It's not good for a child to hear them.

I turned around to face Nathan, who was busy playing with his pacifier.
"Nathan, you having fun?"

I took out my phone and went on Snapchat, sending all of my streaks a picture of Nathan. Having Nathan around was a lot of work. I barely have the time to even go on Instagram to like pictures.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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