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For all my readers!!

I filed into the dining room, where the Hall brothers were patiently sitting, behind my newly acquired father, followed by my newly acquired brothers, James and Vincent.

The boys looked up as I walked in, gaping.

I took a seat beside Vincent with James sitting in my other side and Alex sitting across. Clarissa and Ben sat on the opposite ends of the table and Ashton- dad- sat beside Ben. The rest of them sat around the table.

Lou- the Hall maid- walked into the room followed by another lady who carried platters of food. She served the food on everybody's plate before walking out. Dinner was steak and mashed potatoes, me as usual pushed the food around my plate while the others enjoyed theirs.

"So Bella are you going to move in with your dad?" Clarissa asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"I'm moving in?" I ask, stunned.

Actually it made sense that I move in with my dad, but with my trust issues I don't think moving in with them was a good idea.

"Yeah we'll have to talk about that." Ashton said, placing his cutlery down.

" I don't think I'm ready for another big move....again." I said, nervously.

"It's not a big move or something. We live right next door you know."  Vincent said, hiding a smile.

"Oh!" I said, my cheeks turning a bright red.

"So?" James asked, hopefully.

"Sure, why not. I mean if it fine with Clarissa." I said, looking at Clarissa.

"If your fine with it, I'm cool."she said.

"Then let's go pack!" Vincent exclaimed, standing up and grabbing my, literally pulling me off the seat.

He ran out of the room, tugging me along. I could hear James behind me as we walked into my room.

"Dude wait. We have to get her room ready right so I think we should wait till the end of this week." James said as a matter of fact.

"Yeah we probably should." I said, rubbing my wrists together.

"Oh. Yeah." Vincent said, nodding thoughtfully.

"We'll arrange an interior designer for you." Ashton- sorry dad- said, popping out of nowhere, making me jump.

"Interior designer? I don't think I want one. Can't I do it on my own?" I ask.

"You want to design your own room?"dad asks, stunned.

"Yeah it will be fun." I said, shrugging.

"Yeah we'll help you." James said, nodding.

"Ok then. We have to leave now, would you like to come with us?" Ashton asked.

"Now? I have school tomorrow...." I said, hesitantly.

"Yeah right. Maybe tomorrow? After school?" he asks.

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow. After school." I said, smiling.

"Ok then see you at school Bella." Vincent said, giving me a one armed hug.

"Good night." James said, coming up behind Vincent and giving me a warm hug.

"God night." I said, smiling.

"Good night sweetheart." Ashton said, pecking me on the forehead.

"" I mumbled, a blush staining my cheeks.


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