The Bite

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I was running as fast as I could, trying to escape the dead with a few of the living. I had literally ran into one of them as I tried to escape the dead. I had told them to run because a herd was hot on my heels. They followed me - they probably thought I was running to a safe place. I wasn't, not really. I was running from a danger towards a lesser dangerous place.
"Keep running!" the guy I guessed as leader shouted. I was running ahead of them, they probably wanted me to lead them someplace safe. I didn't know where I was; I wasn't from wherever this place was.
"How far behind us are they?" the ginger man asked, running at the same pace as me.
"I don't know," I answered.
We came to a steep hill and we slowed to go down it, trying not to stumble and hurt ourselves. Thankfully, no-one got hurt.
We continued to run and I could tell they were getting tired. One of them was carrying a baby for Christ's sake!
"Wait!" the leader commanded. We came to a stop and I looked around, trying to see where the herd was. Maybe we had lost them, some were bound to follow us and come down that hill. We'd be dead if we didn't keep moving. "Is there any safe place?" he demanded, looking at me.
"I dunno. We keep running - that's as good as a safe place until we lose them," I told him, breathing heavily as I tried to catch my breath. "You have a baby, why have we stopped here? We keep running," I said sternly.
"OK - this way," the man with the crossbow told us. He led us as we kept running. I lagged behind a little, trying to keep that baby safe.
"Walkers!" one of the women exclaimed. We came to a halt as they tried to kill the walkers. There were a lot. They killed them and I helped. They needed the help, it was obvious. They looked physically drained so I had to help. We were still human and we had to help each other. The Asian man didn't see the three walkers coming up behind him and I ran up, stabbing one of them and pulled the other two away.
"AARGH!" I pushed the walker away and stomped on its head, breathing heavily as I turned and stabbed the other one which had latched itself onto my arm.
"You-you didn't have to do that. You're bit," the Asian man panted. I groaned as I touched my neck and saw fresh blood on my fingers when I pulled my hand away.
"So I should've let you get bit? No thanks," I muttered, my face contorting at the pain in my neck.
"There's nothing we can do," the woman with shoulder length hair said.
"We can run from that damn herd and find somewhere to hold up," I suggested. The leader nodded and he and the crossbow guy led us onward. The Asian man kept to my pace and glanced over at me as we ran.
Thankfully after about half an hour of running, we found some sort of house in the woods. They searched for walkers in the house whilst a few others and myself waited outside.
"How many ... walkers have you killed?" the kid holding the baby asked.
"A lot."
"How many people have you killed?"
"I don't know,"
"Because I didn't want to remember how many lives I have taken until it came for my life to be taken," I told the kid.
"I'm Carl, this is my sister Judith. My dad is Rick,"
"I'm Glenn. Thanks for saving my ass," the Asian man said.
"Imogen. They used to call me Immy," I said with a slight groan, my neck hurting like a bitch.
"Thank you," the woman with shoulder length hair said. "You saved Glenn's life and you didn't have to. You sacrificed yourself,"
"It doesn't matter; now's as good a time as any to die. At least I'm not alone," I said with a shrug.
"But, you're going to die," Carl said.
"Everyone dies eventually, so why not now?" I asked. My arm stung and I winced. "You gonna let me end it now? I can already feel the fever setting in. I don't want to feel like my bones are glass," I said.
Glenn walked forward and held out a gun.
"D'you want me to do it?" he asked, glancing at the others.
"Nah, I can do it," I told him. I accepted the gun and sighed, taking the safety off. "If you end up wherever I end up too soon, I'm not gonna be happy," I told Glenn.
"Thank you, again, for saving Glenn," the woman said.
"You two stay safe. No doubt that little one will need both their parents," I said. They gave me shocked looks and I smiled a little. "My sisters had knack for trying to hide their pregnancies," I told them. "Stay safe." I said, putting the barrel of the gun under my chin.
"I'm sorry you had to die for me." Glenn whispered as the others looked away.
"For the record, you seem like a good guy and I know I made a good choice in saving you." I said. I gave Glenn a smile before I pulled the trigger.

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