Chapter Five: Visitors

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She sent several leering glances down at her, her bright green eyes piercing her skin with a certain discomfort. She lurched forwards, causing her form to tumble towards the sword and give her the opportunity to grab it. She slipped her hand under the blade quickly, and rose to her feet quickly, eyeing the girl above her. 

"Look, whatever your name is,  you have no reason to feel that you need to settle any scores, or  pick any fights with me. I just found you and your sister while I was ru- trying to find my own home to settle in. You've been asleep for about a day, and so has your sister.. There's plenty of food to share, and there is no need to be afraid of me!" She exclaimed with a mild fear, a small whimper coming from her as she spoke. She slowly backed away from the green eyed girl and back towards her faithfull companion S'mores, who began to quietly growl at the visitor who was now making his owner upset. She gently pet his ears to soothe his rage, and insure that a fight would not break out between the three of them.. She didn't need to lose her best friend, or even put him into that situation ever again. 

"How is she?" The figure asked, looking over to the tiny child, two bright blue eyes looking up at them curiously. She walked over to the kid, and picked her up affectionately, obvious they shared some bond of kinsmanship.

"Fine, as far as I know. You two.. Came from a fire, looks like you barely survived.. As I've told you, I just found you on the side of the road, and you've been here ever since.. What are your names?.." She asked, somewhat shakey and anxious around the now awakened creatures in her house; or what she could consider to be a house. 

"Anne.. My name is AnneLiana, and this is Maddie.." She murmured, glancing over to Wolfie with a slight warmth in her gaze. She seemed to be silently observing her, her emerald eyes flicking around her blocky stature, Maddie's sapphire orbs following. She didn't mind as much though, since they knew nothing of her past besides that she had taken them here after the fire. They didn't know who she was, they knew nothing of the crimes she had comitted, out of self defense of course, and their ignorance was all the more bliss to her. She sat down with S'mores, slowly stroking his grey fur right below his left shoulder blade, his favorite place to be petted besides the back of his ear. The tiny minecraftian, better know as Maddie, stood up and walked over to S'mores, several happy and excited giggles coming from her as she waddled over towards the dog. Maddie's pale hand gently began stroking S'mores behind his ear, sending him on to his back as he kicked his leg happily, obvious that he was glad to have a new friend. Wolfie stood up with a small huff and left the two there, Anne still standing there and watching the now three of them. It was clear that she didn't trust the two of them, but who could blame her, they had just lost everything and now some wierd girl and her mutt was watching them while they slept; creepy right? 

"Anne, we are in Glendyle, a city beside the forest. That's all I know of it.. S'mores doesn't bite unless agitated, and I think he seems to enjoy your company, Maddie's definantly," she explained, looking back at the new friendship that was forming. 

"Right.. Well, we'll be leaving now." Anne exclaimed, her arms crossed as she looked over to Maddie and S'mores, watching them intently.

"What? Why? There's no where else Anne, and I can promise you, the forest is no better.." Her eyes darted away briefly as her heart race rose rapidly, memories flooding her mind. "Besides, there is another floor, which I'm sure you've found, where you and your friend can sleep if you really don't want to come in contact with me." She sighed, disappointed that she was being so stingy after she had done nothing but help them. 

"If you insist. Oh, and she is my sister, y'know. I believe we will be staying on the top floor then." She said defensively, still shook up from the last night she was awake. 

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