Chapter Six: The River

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Wolfie continued her way to the river, the same one she had bathed in a few days before. Something about that river reminded her of home, of the good times, the better times. She huffed slightly, beginning her decent down the banks, inching herself closer and closer to the river before she was right next to it. She lowered herself down on to the soft and slicked soil, obvious that some creature had been there before her, and went for a dip in the chilled fluids. She delicately swirled her big toe in the river, her head tilted up towards the blocked out clouds that slowly danced around in the bright blue sky. Her mind whirled with thoughts, all of which revolved around the two girls she had found a few days before. Why were they running? Were they fugitives like her? No, No, they couldn't be. They looked too soft for that, only having mental wounds, and some scrapes from brambles, nothing more than that. Who had burned their home down? Did they have any other family? Were they planning something? Would they hurt her? Would they figure out who she really was? Or would she just be forgotten? Would she be abandonded again? She threw her hands behind her head and flicked the back of it, a familiar voice flodding her mind. "C'mon Wolfie, you shouldn't think like that." It reminded her, the softness and compassion in their voice belonging to someone who couldve been her mother. Could've. She didnt have a mother, and nor would she for a long while, since she wasn't going to be eligible for adoption; not that anyone would want to in the first place. She sighed slightly to herself, the morning sun continuing to rise into the sky, joining the fluffy forms of water vapor. She stood up and wiped away the stray marks of dirt and droplets of water that had accumulated on her, beginning to walk back towards the 'house'. The sun gently tickled her back with it's warmth, delicate rays dancing on her shoulder blades until she felt a sharp pain, something puncturing her skin. A light spray of chunky blood came from her left shoulder, a small shriek coming from Wolfie; shocked. She turned around quickly and felt another arrow whizz by, a small clunk coming from the sharpened tip hitting the ground. The pale and sculpted face met her once more, sending her into nostalgic turmoil. Black eyes stared deeply into her own grey ones as the figure drew another arrow from behind it's back, steadying it straight towards one thing; her skull. She looked on in terror, her form shaking as her feeble life slowly flashed before her eyes... She knew it was over.. The arrow spiraled as it came towards her, until a quick flash of white darted in front of it, a yelp coming from the creature. It.. What was it? Whatever it was didn't give up as it rushed towards the figure, darting side to side in an odd pattern to dodge the on coming arrows. Everything went by in a quick blurr of silence, until the figure fell down and into the river; one creature remained victorious. It padded over to her and nudged it's soft and wet nose against her cheek, a small whimper coming from it as her consciousness faded... 

Her form sparked back to consciousness at the sound of a sharp bark erupting into her ear, a slight headache following. "S'mores?.." She whispered, a small whimper following in response to her question. It was S'mores, who saved her yet again... She sat up hastily, ignoring the pain that ripped through her back, a small wince. "S'mores!" She cried, hugging him around his neck carefully, her blocky hands stroking his back, feeling small patches of dried blood in his fur.. She let him sit in her lap just like old times, slowly feeding him the bits of steak she had left in her pockets, exactly what she did when food was scarce the night before. Her smile only grew in size as his tail slowly rose up, joyful barks coming from his weakened form. He would be okay, and they would continue their journey.. together. She picked him up cautiously, craddling him in her arms as she began to walk back once more, the sun already traveling off to another land. She opened the front door and placed him under the window, where he normally slept, so he could rest in peace. She walked over to the broken furnace and kicked it with frustration, a bright light coming from the lower section of it. "Didn't expect that to work." She said with a laugh, a slight smile creeping back on to her face.  She bent over and grabbed the rusty sword, her hands gripping the handle tightly. She walked out the house once more, before realising the extent of her injury as her shoulder began to sear with the utter most pain, intesifying with each step. She bit the inside of her lip, enough to the point where it drew blood, just to dull the pain and make it bareable for her. She went through her normal routine of hacking and slashing, easily getting through several roaming chickens and one cow. Blood stained her tastebuds more and more with the passing time, atleast her shoulder didn't hurt as bad. Hauling back her successful hunt, she noticed something as she stepped in a small puddle, something catching her eye. Ironically enough, it was her eyes... They had a certain gold tint to them, a ring around her grey irises, something most odd. 'I must be tired.. There's no such thing as golden eyes..' She told herself, reaching the house a few moments later. She stacked up the raw chicken in the furnace and placed the chunks of beef aside, lighting the oven with a several pieces of charcoal that had been laying around. With a huff, she spat out the blood that had accumulated in her mouth from the hunt before, a small splat could be heard as it hit the ground. While waiting for a chicken to cook, she gazed out the window with a sigh, several questions ravaging her mind, over and over again. It would be a while before she would no longer have to worry about anything, about her family, about her past, about her actions, about her friends.. She walked back to the furnace and grabbed a chicken carefully, peeling off the crispy skin and popping it into her mouth with a satisfied smile. She continued to pick off the tender white breast meat until she eaten enough, the feeling of fatigue overwhelming her body. Despite being so tired, she still thought about all these things as she put the chicken back into the oven, to keep warm and fresh with the others. Walking back over to S'mores, she curled up besides him, his belly being the perfect pillow for her tiny head. Her mind continued to wonder before she finally dozed off with one thought in mind... Should she stay with these people, or let the river wash away all her troubles, and leave, to isolation like before?

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