Chapter 8(Jhope)

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I was looking at myself in the mirror.
I has lose the person i loved.The person that always make me happy and take a good care of me.The person that taught me what life is.Taught me to face this challenges.But...
How can this happen?Why this happen?Why he die?Why he suicide?
He has left all of us without saying goodbye.His death gave all of us a great shock.It make me feel like dying.
My soul is dying.I feel lost.Jin hyung.Wait for me.I'm coming.

I open the shelf and took a bottle of pill.I pour the pill on my palm.I stare at the pill.I have make a decision.I want to die.I swallow those pill in a huge amount.I could see my reflection on the water in the sink.My face look disgusting.I hate it.

I dress up and take a stroll.The sun is scorching.My step feel so heavy.The pill start to work on my body.I start to shuffle.My head feel dizzy.My sight start to blur.I fall and my sight goes black.

I open my eyes.I was still on the bridge at a passer by path.I stand up and try to get my balance.But my step is unstable.I look around me.The vehicles which was passing by just now still passing by.

I'm still alive.Alive in this cruel world.

I was at home.I stare at the bottle.I'm tired living in this world.I'm tired to stay alive, to keep breathing.Without him i feel lifeless.I'm determined.I want to die.I take the pills and swallow it.I don't care anymore what will happen after this.

"Hobi hyung?Hobi hyung?Are you in the house?".

Jungkook knock the door.No response from Jhope.Jungkook turn to Namjoon.

"I'm sure he was home".Suga turn the door knob.The door was unlock.

"Hobi ah!Hobi ah!Eodiya?".Namjoon was looking for Jhope in the kitchen.

"Hyung!Hyung!Yeogi,Hobi hyung is here,pali wa,pali".V hollered from the bedroom.

Jimin, Suga, Jungkook and Namjoon run to the room.

"Hobi ah,hobi ah, wake up,wake up!".Namjoon slap Jhope face and shake him.But,he dont give any response.

"Hyung",Jungkook show the pills that he found on the floor.

Namjoon let out a deep sigh.He ruffle his hair."Aish.. geez..what the hell.."

"Namjoon let's take him to hospital first,Jimin,help me"Suga order Jimin to help him carry Jhope.

I was awake.I blink my eyes to clear my vision.I saw a doctor and a nurse.
"If you really want to die,do it in a right way, think carefully before you do stupid thing.Your friend out there still love you,you are so lucky to have them.Don't trouble a doctor like me to save a person who want to die.The person out there beg for me to save their life,but you,you don't even try to love yourself.The person out there who has cancer try everything to stay alive for the person they love, they are weaker than you,but they try, even if they know their time will come".The doctor leave Jhope with anger.Jhope feel regret.

I saw Jimin was staring at me with a sober face. Both of us remain silent.A smile flickers at Jimin face. Then, both of us hug each other.

"Hyung, let's not suicide anymore.Suicide is quite hard,we don't die easily".Jimin chuckles.Jhope chuckles too.

"Oh,you are awake".Namjoon come in and with the rest of the members behind him.

"I hope none of us try to suicide again.Let's live our life well.Let's live with what we still have.I know i'm not as good as Jin but i will try to protect all of us and make us happy again.I can't bring back the old days,but i will make this coming days happy,fun and we could enjoy it like when Jin hyung still alive.I'm not perfect,and so us,so i hope that we could perfect each other,I also will make sure none of us struggle alone".

"I'm sorry for what i have done,as the oldest,i promise that,i will not leave any of us anymore,let's enjoy our life,I will protect our members and take care all of us.I,Min Yoongi won't suicide again"..Suga stand up and look at all the member face.

"I'm sorry too,because i don't realised,my decision and my action hurt other people too,i will live well from now, and let's us live well together,I,Park Jimin won't suicide anymore".

"I'm really sorry for making all of you worry,i make stupid thing today.I realised now that i still have friends that will be my side.I,Jung Hoseok won't suicide again and will make sure none of us hurt anymore.And also i'm sorry again for my action".

"I won't trouble all of my hyung as a maknae and i'm so happy seeing all of us gather together like this again.I will help my hyung when they need help".Jungkook was smiling showing all of his teeth.

"V ah, you dont have anything to say?".everyone turn to V.

"ah, i will just live my life well, and work hard".V don't seem easy.He remember his crime and scared if the member will hate him for what he had done.Jungkook and Namjoon see V uneasy reaction.Both of them patt V shoulder.

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