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"come in and have a seat".The doctor told his patient.

Jimin seat across the doctor.

"oh, u r the guy from the cafe right?".

"yes, that's me".

"how can i help u?"

"lately... i vomit a lot, and a few weeks ago, my nose bleed frequently, and i had a bad headache, so, i come to check my condition,just to make sure".Jimin said nervously.

"that sounds... quite serious"

"did u lose body weight rapidly?".

Jimin scratch his nape.

"not sure".

"did u lose sense, i mean when u eat, did u taste the food well, or it...

"yes, i did".

"once, i step on a shattered glass, but i can't feel the pain, does it nor.. mal?".Jimin ask nervously.

The doctor write something in a file, he stop for a while and look t Jimin.

"u said u have a headache right? can u describe how bad is it?".

"umm... my head is so painful,it feels pounding and make my eyesight blurry and make me feel weak,it just feel painful that i had to take painkiller".

"did u... tend to forget things easily?".

"yes,that is why, when u go to the cafe that day, i had to ask u to repeat your order, because i forget it".

"and my eyesight also got worst".

The doctor continue to write and after he done writing, he look at Jimin with unreadable expression.

"how is it, did i'm.. fine?".Jimin ask nervously.

"not really... u need to undergo a few examination,i got a list of what illness u might have, but i cant be sure,so u need to do the examination, so i can be sure".

"come,i'll bring u for MRI scan and CT scan".

The doctor lead the way and leave Jimin at the place where they run the test on him.

"Change into the hospital gown, and sit on the bed when u are done".The staff told Jimin then he close the door and sit outside of the room that contain computer and other stuff.Jimin could see him because there is a glass at the wall.

"now, we will start the process it takes about 30-45 minutes, just relax and don't think too much".

The bed which Jimin lay start to slide inside the tunnel like machine and there is a red light come out and it sounds like somebody is hitting the nail into the wall with a hammer.

It is ok Jimin, just relax,just hope that your illness won't be serious.

Jimin take a deep breath and wait for the process to complete.

A doctor is running and bump into someone.

"ops, sorry sorry".The doctor say sorry and walk away.

"Seo Joon hyung! why u looks like in a rush?".

"oh Seung Chan, did u that i bump into?,sorry again".

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