Chapter 27.Investigation

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Taehyung glance at the wall clock.Aish,it is already midnight,i really need to sleep,but this homework,and i need to send it tomorrow.The thunder outside the house make Taehyung flinch.Then the rain falls.But,he continue doing his homework.His dad was not at home.But,he will sooner.

The door swung open make Taehyung flinch.There he is,his dad has home.He lock the door.his step was unstable,he was drunk.He walk towards Taehyung with a smirk.

"a-appa,what a-are you doing in my room?".He stuttered because he feel scared.If his dad came home drunk,something bad happen.

"that bitch at that club,they want so much money,but i only have some,you wouldn't mind to replace them,right?".His dad walk closer to him,and smirking.

Taehyung try to walk to the door,but his dad has blocked it.

"w-what do you mean?".Taehyung rustle the things at his table,anything that can save him,then he grab something.A scissors.

His dad has stand in front of him and their body is touched.

His dad sniff him,make him gulp heavily,and sweat.

" smell just like your mom,sweet".Taehyung push him,but fail because his dad grip his wrist.He point the scissors to his dad,make him back away."try to threaten me,huh?".His dad chuckles but he walk closer to him again.Taehyung back away because he is scared,and he never hurt anybody.His dad grab the scissors.Taehyung shocked.Before he could do anything,the scissors has fall on the floor.He wriggle his hand,try to get away from the grip.But,the grip is tighten,and he was dragged and being pushed untill his back hit the wall.

"a-appa,dont do this".He push his dad again,but his dad sniff again.

"why?you dont like it?".His dad start to lick his neck.

"a-appa".He struggle.

"shhh".His dad told him to ne quiet.

His dad start to kiss him.He shivers because of the kiss.

"a-appa,t-this is wrong,d-dont do this".His tears start to fall.

His dad start to bite his neck."d-dont..argh".He plead and groan when he feel the pain at his neck.

The grip at his wrist has loosen,because his dad is ripping the shirt he is wearing.

He take the chance to kick his dad 'thing' with his knee.His dad groan at the suddden pain and let him go"you bastard!".He run towards the door,ignoring his dad.He unlock the door and almost get out from the room,but his dad had pull him back.

"you think you are so smart?".His dad growl.His dad grip his jaw tightly that he could feel the nail dig into his skin.

Taehyung hiss.

He gather his strength and push his dad.He reach the door again,but his dad jump on him and he fall on the floor.He kick his dad,he dont know where,he just kick randomly.He manage to crawl outside of the room and ran to his mom room,but his dad catch his ankle and drag him.

"eomma!eomma!help me!".He shouted,but due to the heavy rain,his voice only sound like a whisper.

"you cant get away anymore,i wont be easy on you".His dad said angrily,dragging him into his room again,and lay him on his bed.

His dad took of his neck tie and tied his hand at his back.

His dad force him to lay on the bed,and rip his shirt.His body is shaking due to the low temperature and his body being exposed.His dad crawl on top of him and took of his shorts.His body has tired from the struggle,and he just let it happen.And he could only scream and cry.And he lost his virginity to his dad,no,a monster.

And that is how his nightmare started.

Seo Joon pass by Taehyung room,and he heard sobs.

He open the door.And there is Taehyung,hugging his knee at the corner of the room again,while crying.

He walk slowly towards him."hey,are u ok?".He greet him.

Taehyung only replied with a smile.

"have something to tell me?".

He wait for a few minute,but Taehyung dont answer him.

"fine then,i'll come again maybe this evening or tonight".He tap his shoulder before leaving.

But,Taehyung hold his hand,and he stop and turn to him.

"w-wait".Taehyung said,but he keep his head down.

"u can tell me anything,tell me when u ready,ok?".He said while try to look into his eyes.

"i-i have s-something to tell".

"tell me,i'm always ready to hear".
Seo Joon pull Taehyung and sat him on his bed.He pull a chair and sit in front of him.

"my abusive...,he always hurt my mom and me,he was fine when i was little,but,he change when i enter middle school,he always drunk,ask money from my mom,but he only gamble and have sex with random girl at the club,a-and...and..
I cant tell him yet,he might feel disgusted with me.Yeah,i'm disgusting and useless.

Taehyung bite his lip and twiddle his finger.A tear fall from his cheek.

"its ok,just end it here today,lets continue again,when you are ready,and you are doing good".He tap Taehyung shoulder and leave.

Taehyung watch his doctor leave.


"Kim.Tae.Hyung.Innocent face,a young men,but who thought that you have killed someone.Your own dad".
The police officer in front of him said while staring at him.

Taehyung play with his finger while looking at his leg and ignoring what the officer said.

Suddenly,the officer slammed the table.Taehyung look up.

"when i talk to you,look at me!".The officer yells.

"answer my question!why u kill him!?".

"because he deserve to die".Taehyung answer in a slow voice but clear to the officer.

"i ask why!?".

"i think that is enough for today officer,yelling and screaming at my patient wont solve this case".Seo Joon enter the room and bring Taehyung out.He did that because he could see Taehyung was getting angry,and he know he had to do something.Taehyung could harm himself when he feel threatened and he was so sensitive to scream,yells,because it reminds him his old memories.

Taehyung has ball his fist,but Seo Joon manage to calm him and sent him to sleep.


okayyy,sorry for the late update.Here,the new update.

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