Chapter ten

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I was sitting rocking my chair back and forth
"Calm down" Pete said putting his hand on my leg I'm glad I asked Peter to come with me are I would be more a mess then I am now I was looking down picking my nails when I heard the doors open I looked up and grabbed peters hand and my father walked out I got up
"Daddy" I said then hugged him
"Danni I saw you last week" he said
"I know but your out now" I said then he looked over at Peter
"Hello Peter" He said and Walked over to him and shook his hand
"Hello Dr. Conner's" Peter said then dad took me aside
"How far are you" he asked
"We got the spider that changes Peter and we're studying it will be done with it soon I hope" I said
"We're is the spider" he asked
"My room" I said
"What why is it not at Oscorp" he asked
"Because it's blocked there for research and we couldn't keep it at Harry's because that is where they would look for it" I said
"But grandpa" he said
"He won't find it dad don't worry" I said
"Ok I hope so" dad said
Later that night
"Grandpa I'm going to dads for dinner I'll be home say 9:00" I said
"Ok you better be home at 9:00" he said
"I promise" I said then left when I got to my dads house Peter and Harry were all ready there we sat down and ate
"Danni it you bring the spider" dad asked
Peter and Harry's eyes went wide
"Guys I told him" I said
"Ok" Peter said
"And yes I did bring it Harry we can go after dinner" I said
"So Danni are you moving back in" dad asked
"Not sure you need to talk to grandpa about that" I said
"Kk so how many more weeks until it is
ready" dad asked
"I don't know maybe 6" Peter said
"How are you going to do it" dad asked
"We are going to put some human DNA into a lizard and then see what happens from there" I said
"DNA from who" dad asked
"Um well we got two of the spiders so we're going to take the human DNA out of one of them and put it into the lizard" Harry said
"Right" I said
Curt's POV
I was at my father and laws house Danni was sleeping
"What do you want curt" he asked
"I want my daughter back" I said
"I still have owner ship of her" he said
"Grandpa I'm 19 I have a choice of who I want to live with" Danni said walking out
"What are you saying" he asked
"I'm moving back in with dad" she said
"I'm leaving now" she said then went back into her room and came out with bags
"I'm leaving now and there's nothing you can do" Danni said then we left

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