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{Boopity Boop time skip}
1 drink....
2 drinks...
3 drinks...
4 drinks...
5 drinks...
One drink lead to another and another, and another, and that lead to Gerard being wasted and puking in a fucking corner. God dammit. I knew this would happen. I walked over to him, and watched him puke his guts out. "Gee. I told you not to. You promised me you would just drink a little bit. You promised..... " i said quietly, kneeling next to him. He looked over his shoulder. He was sweaty, with his eyes barely open. He had little strands of hair stuck to his face. " HEY FRANKIEEEE.... WH- *hic* WHAT ARE YOOOUUU DOOOIINNN...." all of his words were slurred. He gave me a little drunken toothy grin. "God dammit, gee i knew this would happen. I just knew it...." i started crying a little. It just hurt so much to see him like this. "Don'ttt be saadd f- *hic* frankieee." He said. I couldn't believe that he was sympathetic even when he was drunk. "Just get the fuck up. we're gonna go home." I said grabbing his arm. He pulled away from me. "NO I WANNA STAY HERE!!!" He whined. He was acting like a five year old that just had all of their candy taken away. "Fine. Your a little fucker, you know that?" I spat out. I pushed him away and stormed out of the bar. As I was walking out the door i turned around. The love of my life didn't even look stunned in the slightest. Instead of saying, "Frankie wait, i love you" he just sat there chugging one beer after another.
(Time skippity cause are rides are BORING)
I got home and slammed the door shut. I angrily threw my keys on the floor and laid down on our bed. I was so fucking mad. I buried my face into the pillow and wept. My Gee, my love, my everything could be dead for all i know. But, i didn't do anything. I just sat there, being the useless piece of shit i was. When i felt like this Gerard would usually say, "you aren't a useless piece of shit. Your the best thing that could ever happen to me, and i love you." And he would hold me until i fell asleep in his arms These sessions would happen every night and i actually made me feel good. Very good. Because Gerard said it. But he wasn't here tonight. He would promise that he would always be there for me. He promised he would never drink again. He promised he would love me, forever.
He promised....

A/N: sorry for my shit writing. :/ this is only because I'm very bored and i may or may not update.

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