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You were walking down the street to a nearby music shop,to buy a new guitar.Why?well..you gave your guitar to your friend,Woozi,as his present on his birthday.So,you had to buy another guitar as you can't live a day without strumming your guitar.Once you arrived at the shop,you entered and was immediately awe-strucked by the beauty of the guitars.They were all so shiny but one guitar stood out to you.It was a light brown guitar.To you,it was the most SHINIEST among all.You walked to the guitar to have a closer look.You could even see you reflection on it!and it was also affordable.One of the "employee" saw you and asked "are you interested in this guitar?".You nodded your head in response."I see!come let me help you with the guitar."he smiled the most sweetest smile.When you arrived at the counter,you studied the young man for a while.He had big,brown eyes and his hair was so fluffy!he isn't muscular but isn't skinny.Totally your type."here!"the young man handed you your guitar.But then you realize,you didn't pay for it."I paid it for you.You just have to go on a date with me after this :).Oh my goodness!where is my manners!Let me introduce myself :).My name is Joshua Hong.Yours?"."Y/N,Y/F/N :)."
"Before that,do you have any plans?".You thought back...OH WAIT!YOU PROMISED TO MEET WOOZI AFTER BUYING YOUR GUITAR!."Oh my gosh..I'd love to go on a date with you..but...I'm going to meet my friend Woozi >.<".Joshua looked at you surprised."OH!You know Woozi?hold on lemme call him..one sec!".Then you realized..no wonder he is familiar!He is in the same group as Woozi!..
(speaker mode)
W:Yes Joshua-hyung?
J:Woozi-ah!I met your friend, Y/N!so this is her..she's very pretty *he winks at you*(and you were there looking like a tomato >.<)
W:JINJJA?!pass the phone to her.
W:so I see..you've met your future husband huh?
Y/N:dafudge you talking about Woozi?I just met him today for goodness sake >.<
W:Joshua didn't tell you huh?..well..you are his ideal type.And I know Joshua hyung is your ideal type.So..I SHIP YOU TWO SO MUCH!>.<
Y/N:YAH!you do realize this is on speaker mode..pabo!anyways..can I go on a date with him..now? *Joshua looks at you with a wide smile*
W:GO AHEAD!CUZ I WANNA SLEEP..okay okay..bai and have fun but not too much fun (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) XD
Y/N:okay okay bai!
J:this kid..bai!XD
(End of conversation)
"So....LET'S GO ON OUR DATE!:)."You just smiled at him and giggled at him at how cute he was acting.

That's where a beautiful relationship was made and you lived happily forever after..
~The end~

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