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The gaang was all settled into a secluded lake surrounded by cliffs. A waterfall roared quietly and towering walls of rock rose low compared to the towering mountains set behind them. It was a serene hide out between destinations in the Fire Nation. Katara and Aang practiced their waterbending, practicing being splashing each other and blushing uncontrollably; Sokka ran through the shallows chasing Momo; And Toph was leaning against a rock, picking her toes for the third time over.

Toph was awoken from her daze by the feel of cold, wet droplets splashing against her skin. She 'looked' up to see the culprit. Sokka stood with a mischievous grin.

"Sokka I swear I will throw a boulder at you." Toph grumbled.

"Oh come on, it's just water. Why don't you get in?" He responded, taking no notice to Toph's comment.

"Oh I don't know, Meathead, maybe because I can't see in there." She retorted.

"In the shallows there's still sand!" He gleefully picked up a handful of soggy soil and threw it above his head, letting it rain back down onto him.

"Sokka," She began but was interrupted by him running to her and picking her up around the waist, waddling to the water.

"Sokka! Put me down!" Toph kicked and flailed, attempted to hit him with rock.

"Nope!" He shouted a reply as he plopped her down in the water, still holding onto her shoulders. In return Toph gave him a face-full of muddy sand. She held out her hands in front her as she attempted to navigate her way out with barely any vision. Unlike sand on land, this was barely earth. The water way outbalanced any rock material, and made it impossible for Toph to see.

"I can't see you idiot!" She was practically red with annoyance.

"Okay, hey hey calm down." Sokka attempted to calm her, leading her to the shore. Toph began to storm away from the scene, anger bubbling like fizz in a shaken bottle of cactus juice.

"Toph," Sokka grabbed her arm, in which she replied with a small riff of earth making him trip.

"Toph!" He shouted as he face-planted. "Toph, please, just try one more time. I promise I won't throw you in." He looked up to her, sand sprinkled in his messy locks of soil colored hair.

"Pleaaaaaaase." He persisted, making polar bear puppy eyes at Toph, even though he knew she couldn't see it. She sighed in defeat. Why did she have to like this boy so much?

"Okay. This time, and this time only Snoozles." She begrudgingly complied, walking back to the edge of the water.

"I'm right here," Sokka began, going to wrap a hand around Toph's shoulder, before it was pushed away.

"I don't need your help!" She side stepped away from him once, then stuck a foot in the water. A shiver rose through her whole body. Closing her eyes, as if it would help her see, she put the other in.

"Sokka!" she quickly grabbed ahold of his arms, wrapping tightly around with a death grip. He went to make a remark but was immediately answered with a pinch to his upper arm the second he opened his mouth.

Toph reached out a foot to make another step, the water wallowing at the middle of her shin. She exhaled deeply, focusing on the ground, the vibrations. The floor of the lake steadily declined, then dropped off a bit farther out.

The pace in which she walked became faster, more confident. Her hold on Sokka's lessened, in which he snaked the arm around her waist, supporting her still. Toph let one arm hold to his shoulder, the other at her side. Water lapped at her ribs.

"Do you wanna really swim?" Sokka asked smiling down at her, admiring the softness she showed; the side no one ever saw.

"I'm the greatest earthbender in the world, I can handle a little swimming." She spoke with confidence spilling in every word.

"Okay, pick your legs up, I got you." He wrapped his hands around her torso, lifting her slightly. Both at the sensation of losing all sight, and the fact that Sokka had his hands, on her waist, her eyes widened rapidly. The breath stalled in her chest.

Where's the ground?

She kicked her feet underneath her, looking for whatever she could salvage of some type of earth.

"Hey I got you." Sokka whispered lightly, and Toph immediately relaxed. As the moment went on, she began to swim better, the feel of his warm hands grasped on her sides giving her comfort, that was until they weren't there, and she was swimming on her own.

"See, wasn't that easy." He teased, sticking his tongue out at her. Knowing that he had to of done something sassy, she splashed him, in which he splashed back.

"Thanks Sokka."

"No problem Toph."

P.S. I like the idea of Toph having a fear of water and Sokka helping her. I feel like that would be the one place Toph would feel completely helpless.

P.S. 2. I included some avatar world stuff (cactus juice, polar bear dog). Was that good or nah?  

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