Chapter 1

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( Not to every reader  when you see this. Name: jlasjdfjlsjldflskjdfkj.  A Name in bold followed by collens and what they say. That means they are using sign language if you see it like this. Name: jlajdljafoijeoewj. Bold slanted and underlined that means that he is reading their lips. Just thought I let you know.)

Harry's POV:

Ringing is all I hear as I lay in my bed. Nothing but ringing. That's all I have heard since that day, three years ago. Nothing but ringing. I start a new school today. I'm not ready for it. It's in the middle of the year. Everyone has friends and they stare at you as you walk in. I mean i'm happy that I can't hear the whispers anymore of what they would be saying about me. There faces tell it all though. There is no hiding from the face expression they throw at you.

You see I'm Deaf and Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts Leukoencephalopathy or also know at CADASIL. This affects the brain and cause multiple strokes. I have to take medications every morning, and yes I said MEDICATIONS as in many. it takes a lot in the morning to get ready. I have a huge nasty scar right under my hair line. I always get questions about it. I love to answer with really wacky stories that are so far from the truth. Because who would want to hear the real story. It's so boring.

I was laying in my bed when I felt some one shake me. I open my eyes slowly to see my mother, Anne.

Anne: Harry get up. You need to get ready for school. It's the big day. You need to get your meds in as well. Come on bud.

Harry: Okay mum just give me a sec. I say and then my mother leaves the room. I get into the bathroom that is connected to my room and take a shower. When I get dressed I decided to go with black skinnies and a button up shirt that I didn't button all the way. I hate having all the buttons buttoned because it makes me feel chocked. I push my long hair back and smile at my self in the mirror. This is how good it's going to get I guess . I put on my brown boots and grab my bookbag and head down stairs.

I see my sister and I kiss her on the top of the head as I put my book bag. I see her look at me and she lifted her hands up to sign to me.

Gemma: Harry hurry up and eat and take you meds. I need to get you to school. I nod and got and get my two pieces of toast and  my glass of milk and take my meds. Me and my sister head to the school. My sister doesn't go to high school but she is here to explain my situation to the principal and teachers about me being deaf and my other conditions. She is doing this because mom had to head to work. When we get into the school I see some eyes on me. I just ignore them and head into the office.

The woman at the front desk talked to face for me to know what she said.

"What did she say?" I asked with my voice. My sister jumped and looked at me with wide eyes. I hardly talk but when I do it shocks her of how deep my voice is.

Gemma: She said that she will get Principal Gram and then she will get your Class Table and send you on your way and tell the teacher  about you situation. Why are you talking all of a sudden?

" I have to talk at some point in my life at school. So why not start now" I said shrugging. She just nods and looks at a door that opened and so did I

Principle Gram or PG: Hi Harry and Gemma i'm Principal Gram it's nice to meet you both.

He extended  his hand to us and I shook and them my sister.

PG: I Just sent out a Email to all of the teachers to let them know about Harold being Deaf and everything and I have already got some replies. They promise to keep a close I on him.  He is in great hands. I promise.

Me and my sister nods. I see her thanks him and then she turned and gave me a hug. they lady at the desk gave me my Class Table. And I was off. When I got into the hallway I say a lot of people looking at me. A lot of girls giving me flirty eyes. typical. That's what they do at first. This the know that I can't hear. I look at my Class Table and see my locker number. I went to my locker and opened it. When I got everything out I saw some one walk next to me. I didn't know she was talking to me until she pulled on my shirt. I turned my head to see the most cutest little teenage girl. She had to be about 4'11. Too bad I was into guys because if I wasn't she would be the best choice for me.

Girl: I said Hi. Why did you answer?

She talked slow enough to read her lips.

"I'm sorry Love I'm Deaf I didn't- I didn't hear you. i'm so sorry"  I saw her blush when I called her love. Only seconds later her face dropped when I told her I was deaf. I knew I just lost a potential friend.

Girl: I'm sorry to hear that. My name is Nicita. It's Russian. in Russia it's a boy name but here you make it a girl name. it pronounced Neh-Key-Tuh.

"Well it's nice to meet you Nicita. I'm Harry. Harry Styles" I say putting my hand out for a hand shake. But she just smacks it away and give me a big-o hug. Which I return.

Nicita: We can be great friends!

She jumped up and down in excitement and snatch my Class Table and her eyes went wide. Her telling me that we had the same classes. She told me that she would show me all of the rope to fit in at school. I'm happy I have a friend on the first day of school.

1072 words of pure awesomeness!!!!! Please vote on story and tell what you think and if you have any ideas. Message me!

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