Chapter 3

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Harry's POV:

It was time for lunch and sadly I could not find Nicita or Connor any where  I was starting to feel like a lost puppy. I look around the lunch room and I saw an empty table. It was on the other end of the lunchroom from the lunch line. So the only logical thing to do was to walk over there and sit down. As I began to walk I noticed all eyes on my. I didn't know if they were daggers or if they were just stares. I decided not to look. I continued to walk when I felt someone grab my shoulder. I already knew who it was. I remembered that hand from the first time it grabbed my shirt so then the owner of said hand could punch me with his other hand.

I was spun around to see, Zayn. The guy from this morning.

Zayn: Well, well, well. look who we have here. The Deaf Freak.

I cringe at the familiar nickname. The one that hunts my thoughts everyday. I wanted so bad to punch this guy but I couldn't. I was too scared.

Zayn: Looks like he's now a mute too. You have so much to say in class Deaf Boy. Why don't you speak now. Show everyone how pathetic you are. Hm? How's that sound? Sound Good? I think it does.

"Why are you answering you own questions. I mean. Why ask me for my opinion when you are just going to answer your own question. It's strange and rude" I said trying to get away from in hand. His grip tightened on my shoulder and I dropped my tray because I was losing feeling in my arm.

Zayn: Look, you pathetic excuse for a man, don't get smart with me. You seem to forget who runs things around here. I know you are new and all, but you are a fast learner. So i'm only going to say this once. I you come in here and act any kind of fool, and I mean any kind of fool. I will knock that , ugly little thing that sits on you shoulders, clean off. You got me?

I just nod. I see he hand go up like he is going to slap me until I see a hand on his shoulder making him stop.

Guy from earlier: Zayn why must you torment the poor thing. He just got here. Let him settle. You know I dont' like violence. Stop

The guy pleaded with his deep blue eyes as they glimmered with hope that Zayn would stop.

Zayn: Fine Louis! But he was getting a little smart with me. I had to set things straight.

Louis: Slapping someone is never the answer!

Zayn: Fine!

Zayn let me go.  I straightened out my shirt. The Louis guy looked at me with sympathy, then walked away with his friends. I walked to a table that had one person sitting there. I sat down and they guy looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back.

Guy: Hi. Harry, right? My name is Tanner. Nice to finally meet you face to face. He put his hand out for me to shake it.

"Hi it's nice to meet you." I said back

Tanner: Wow you have a deep voice! I wish I did. Your voice is soothing too.


Tanner: What grade are you in?

"I'm a Junior"

Tanner: ME TOO!

I like that fact that he talked slow but he didn't talk to me as if I was stupid.

"Coolio" I say to him and eat my food.

Tanner stared at me for along time. I happened to look up at his through my long lashes seeing him just stare at me. Then he asked me something that was just out of the blew.

Tanner: Are you gay?

I looked aat him in shock. How could he know just by looking at me.

"Y-yeah. I-I am. Why do you ask?"

Tanner: You just look like you would be. I'm bi. Are you the Dom or the Sub?

" I would be more Dom I guess" I said trying not to make this more strange of a conversation then it already is.

Tanner: Cool. Me too. Anyways. I see you already meet Louis and his crew. You would think that Zayn was the leader of the group not Louis. Louis is so short and delicate looking. You would think that he would be like the side name. But nope. Louis is a big ball of sass. He's the gayest person I have ever seen.  But He can control people so easily. despite his fragile look.

"interesting" I said. I didn't know that he was gay. but I guess that means I could have a chance. I mean. He is sexy as freak. But I mean no one would like to be with a deaf guy would could have a stroke at anytime. even with the meds I take. you see the meds reduce the amount of strokes I could have but he doesn't stop all of them. I have about two or three with the meds and one every 30 minutes without the meds. I know it's scary. The strokes or not really strokes. The are just stroke like actions in my brain making my body weak on one side and I shake.

I don't' really like people knowing about it. Speaking of that I feel one coming on. and I need to get some where quiet. That encounter with Zayn still have me freaked out.

"excuse me Tanner but I need to leave"  I get up and run out of the cafeteria and try to fine the bathroom when I go I run in and everything turns black.

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