Chapter 28

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Where is she?! I swear that I had found her scent. That scent is something that I won't forget. It was strawberries with a hint of chocolate. It was just like those folks but theirs had something else beside the strawberry. But I lost the trail. Oh god, Anna is going to kill me if she realizes that her sister is missing and it happens to be my fault. What if Hans or Pitch got to her? What is she went missing or could've been kidnaped? What if the other half finally took over?!
"Calm down, Frost, don't think on the negative."
I said as I shook my head and taking a deep breath. I started to look at the bright side of the situation. Maybe she went back to her place and get some items that she forgot to bring. Or maybe she went to get a antidote from North. All of a sudden, a pain shot went to my head. It hurt so bad that I went on my knees.
It began to feel worse. It was like someone or something was crushing my head.
"My son, I finally found you."
Said a faint voice. the pain then stopped. I looked up and was in shock. Who is this person and how does she know me?
"Who are you?"
"Mom...Dad...It's me...Elsa."
Elsa said as tears began to form. The whole place went completely dead silent. Not even a chirp of a cricket was hear. Elsa has let her emotions come through after the longest time. Her tears ran down her cheeks, knowing that she finally found the missing piece of her life as well for her beloved sister. The silence was cut through the words of the Luna herself.
"No.... that's impossible.... my little Elsa.... she has brown hair.... a-and chocolate brown eyes! You can't be her! You're a liar!"
Said Idun, who started crying and was about to pounce on Elsa but Adgar restrains her. She was angry that someone is trying to fool her once again.
"I'm saying the truth.... mom"
Elsa said as she began to walk towards them.
"I'm not your mom! You're not my little Elsa!"
Idun said as she tried to pry open the lock hold of her husband. Idun's eyes began to shine a shade of cyan blue, and began to growl. Idun started to go into a phase. Elsa saw fear in both her newly found parents who she believed that they were dead. She even made sure that she wasn't dreaming by pinching her arm under her hooded cape. No one made a sound besides the grunts coming from the Luna herself.
"Say something! Please?!"
Elsa said when she sees that none of them are reacting to the current situation that she felt that she was being suffocated by the tension in the air. Adgar felt Idun relax and immediately release her. He then goes to Elsa and look at her straight in the eye as his striking amethyst eyes began to go bright.
"How old were you when we told you the story that was passed down from generations."
Said Adgar, with a face of judgement. Elsa closed her eyes, felt her eyes changed. She then opens her eyes, baring it's royal blue shade, and stared at them with confidence and told them the answer that shocked them both.
"I was two at that time. How can I forget that story. I even told that story to Anna when she was five. She wanted me to read for her."
"It can't be..."
Then Idun began to weep. She went and began to hug Elsa.
"It is you. I'm sorry that I called you a liar."
Elsa then accepts the embrace of her mother. Her father then join in with them. The people around them began to clap and howl for the fact that the Alpha's family is alive. But sweet moments had to come to an end.
They turned around and saw a bat come down and transformed into a human. It was Mavis. Adgar and Idun began to growl and pushed Elsa behind them.
"It's fine, she's on the good side."
Elsa said as she squeeze through her parents. Her parents then started to relax.
"Sorry dear."
Said Idun as she placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder.
"Are these your..."
Mavis began to say and Elsa nodded her head. Mavis was happy that Elsa found her parents. But she then began to frown.
"Elsa, there is something you need to know."
Mavis said with a serious tone.
"A woman name Grace was brought back from the dead, and so far the news aren't taken well."
Adgar said. Elsa turns to look at her father. Mavis then began to sigh and gave off a facial expression.

"Make that not so good,"Elsa looks at Mavis, signaling that it wasn't the best time to say that

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"Make that not so good,"
Elsa looks at Mavis, signaling that it wasn't the best time to say that. She then returned her stare to her father.
"Whats wrong, dad?"
Elsa said with a worried tone. Adgar began to mutter words under his breath.
"Who is Grace?"
"Grace is your aunt and her being your aunt, Hans is your cousin."

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