Chapter - 1

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I scanned my hazel eyes through the clothing racks at Hollister, occasionally glimpsing at the price tags. Bloody hell, $30 just for a t-shirt. Who do you think I am? I tucked some loose stands of my chocolatey brown hair behind my ear as I continued seeking for something new that I could add to my wardrobe.

As I took a detailed look at a really sweet, white lace dress, I heard the sounds of girly laughter come from near the entrance of the shop. I cautiously peered my head above the clothing rack as I ducked making sure the girls that were coming in didnt know I was here.

"Ha! I know right." I heard Tiffany giggle. Oh great, this is just what I needed. My attention was caught when I saw Chelsea and Taylor with her.

I really did not want to see people from my old school to be honest, because I wasn't looking my best. Yep it was a no make up day.

As I heard their girly giggles near closer to me, I crouched and scooted my way over to another part of the store, so that I didn't have to deal with them. I mean its not that I hate them or anything its just that they are really bitchy and talkative.

I somehow made my way into the mens section. This part of the store smelt like strong cologne and the sea smell of the beach. I crouched even further so that I was completely anonymous and I was practically invisible from them.

"What are you doing?" A boys voice suddenly asked.

My hand moved to my chest as it rested on my heart. It felt like it was going to beat out of my chest because it was beating that fast.

"Fuck..." I breathed out quietly.

I awkwardly coughed into my hand as I stood. I turned around to find my eyes caught on the strangers. I studied him. This guy was a little taller than me, around 5"9. He had deep brown eyes thats was like a cup of hot chocolate on an icy winters evening, which matched the colour of his messy quiff.

"You wanna tell me what you were doing down there?" He asked, smiling and laughing through his words.

I breathed before answering him. "I was uh-" I started as my cheeks furiously burned a bright shade of crimson. "don't worry." I rushed.

"I suppose you were just admiring the floor?" He laughed.

"Well not exactly, I was kind of hiding from someone." I answered as I, once again, moved some more loose strands of my long, brown hair out of my face.

"Nice! Who?" He queried excitedly, like some sort of 6 year old.

"Shh..."I grabbed his arm and dragged him around the store with me. If I let this guy get out of my reach he could tell Tiffany, Chelsea and Taylor that I was hiding from them.

"So who are you hiding from?" He whispered as he was was being cautiously dragged around with me.

"Just some people from school." I replied as my eyes constantly flicked throughout the shop.

"Why don't you go say hi?" He asked still whispering.

"I'm not the social sort of person, okay?" I answered as he suddenly shot up. I tried yanking him back down but he wouldn't budge.

"Lets go say hi!" He exclaimed as he stood up and peered around the room for the three girls.

"No, no, no, no..." I told him as I sank to the ground and buried my head in my knees..

I sat on the floor curled up, probably looking like an idiot. The girls voices seemed to be nearing.

"Let go." I hissed at the brown haired boy.

"Oh my god! that crop top is so cute-oh hey Emily!" 

I plastered a fake smile onto my face as I looked up. The boy held his hand out for me, I accepted it and stood up. "Hi Tiffany!" 

She smiled at me and started flirtatiously twirling a few strands of hair with her thin fingers. "Who's this?" she asked, seductivly looking at the boy.

I quietly gulped and saw that the boys fingers began intertwining with mine. "I-um, he's-" 

"I'm Cameron. her uh-boyfriend."

I looked up at the boy, Cameron and smiled warmly at him. To be honest I didn't want to imagine what I would've said.

"Ooooh Emily, you're lucky to have a cute guy like this" She started nudging cameron. "to be your boyfriend." she squealed as she span on her heels, facing the other way.

She walked away, giving Cameron a flirty wink, but he had looked away before she could wink at him.

"How'd you even get to be my 'boyfriend'" I air quoted. "you went from 0 - 100 real quick, dude" I added. I realised his hand was still interlocked with mine.

"Why, should I be your brother instead?" He smiled at me, gently squeezing my fingers.

"We look nothing a like!" 

"Thats what I thought, Emily." He stated, smirking at me.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes in closed eyelids. "You're holding my hand and I don't even know who you are." 

"I'm Cameron, remember?" 

"I know your name" I laughed. "but who are you?" I asked still giggling through my words.

"After you've done shopping, we'll go somewhere and then you can find out."

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