Chapter - 17

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-Emily- *Warning : A tiny bit dirty.*

..."I didn't know you have friends." I sarcastically replied to Cameron's statement, saying about how weird his friends are whilst I continue to sip on my coffee.

"I know, you should meet them sometime." He suggested, walking around the kitchen island then sitting next to me.

"I should, but i'll let you know I'm not good at meeting knew people." I replied, being brutally honest. I'm just really socially awkward sometimes, and I hate myself for it. "Y'know, this coffee isn't helping at all, if anything its making me sleepier." I added, sipping on the last bit.

"Yeah, you know what, I'm gettin pretty tired too." He started standing up and taking my cup to the sink. "Where do you wanna sleep? Guest bedroom? Pillow fort?" He asked.

"The guest room sounds snazzy." I said, making both of us giggle. As much as I wanted to sleep in the pillow fort, I know I would just get to uncomfortable not sleeping on a mattress.

Cameron walked upstairs as I followed behind him. He took me into his bedroom first. 

"Do you want to borrow a t-shirt or something?" He asked, making me bloom a ruby red. The fact that I will be wearing one of his t-shirts is quite satisfying.

"Sure." I replied, trying to hide how excited I was. I know it seems stupid to be excited about wearing one of his shirts but, trust me its not.

"Here." He said whilst tossing me a black t-shirt. "It's big on me so it'll be the same for you." He added, referring to our heights being nearly the same.

"Okay, cool." I said, smiling. "I'm really sorry that I'm tired, I mean I would watch a movie with you but i'd fall asleep straight away." I laughed.

"Don't worry about it, you'll need sleep for tomorrow anyways. I've got something nice in mind." He stated, winking at the end. I chuckled.

"See you in the morning." I smiled, walking out of the door.

"See you in the morning, gorgeous." He replied.

I walked into the guest bedroom which was very minimalistic and simple; the main theme being white. While I was glancing around my eyes landed on a large, double bed that looked incredibly comfortable. I changed into the t-shirt that Cameron gave me, and let me tell you, it smelled amazing. It came down to around my mid-thigh, it also had slits in both sides, causing my white Calvin Klein briefs to show a little. I jumped into bed and snuggled myself into the cosy, white duvet that was warm and soft.

I closed my eyes, wanting to cure my tiredness, but couldn't when I just felt chilly. Like I needed someone there with me to hug me and comfort me. Who was the person that could solve that? Cameron. I slowly tiptoed out of the guest room not wanting to wake him if he was already asleep.

I peer through the crack of the door; intending to ask him if he wants to cuddle but, instead I'm greeted by something I didn't want to see.

There he was, laying on his bed, pumping his own hard length. My mouth gaped open in shock as a warmth spread throughout my body, I had never seen this side of him before.

But dayummmm...

"Oh, Emily, please..." He quietly moaned. I'm afraid he saw me snooping so I quickly shy away from the door, grimacing. 

Instead, I realise he it just fantasising my presence.


Dayum, dis is dirty. 😉😂

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