Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Kayleigh, For Everything <3

Chapter one.

As soon as i woke i looked at the alarm clock, 10:30! That's weird normally the girls have woken me by now, oh well. I climbed out of bed and towards my wardrobe, what to wear? I grabbed a pair of dark skinny jeans and an oversize American flag sweatshirt and headed for the shower. Wait, today was the 23rd of may! I was supposed to meet mum at the airport in a hour because she was visiting from Ireland, i grabbed a pair of trainer socks and my red converse and pulled them on along with my other clothes. I grabbed my phone and checked my messages,

from mum-

sorry honey i can't fly over i'll see you soon though! :) xxx

What! Why can't she fly?

to mum-

How come? that's 7 months you have been able to fly this year! Don't you want see me? 

I haven't seen her in 7 months! It was getting old! If she didn't want to see me then she could just say, i'd be fine with it.

from mum-

Pet, its because..I'm pregnant! :) your going to have a little sister! xxxxxxx

I was going to have a sister! I've always wanted a sister! I started doing my happy dance but Just then my friends decided to burst in the door, Looking at me weirdly before screaming "Guess what? Guess what?" they screamed. God, they're loud/

 "Hmm, you won ticket to go and see that silly boy band of yours and want me to go with you?" Their jaws dropped.

 "How did you know that?" Jessie whispered still in shock.

"Because i'm magic" i winked.

"Seriously Olly, How did you know?" Emily said, clearly not amused. 

"Okay Fine, when you came running in you dropped the tickets on the floor!" i waved them in front of Emily's face and she grabbed them.

"Spoil sport!" She huffed and headed to her room. 

"And then there were 2!" Jessie mumbled, "How about a movie marathon?" She suddenly screamed and i nodded, 

"Sure, give me a second, i'm just gonna do my hair." I said and she rolled her eyes.

You and your bloody hair!" She muttered before walking off. I went to the bathroom and pulled my hair into a messy bun and went to Emily's room Sticking my head in, "Emilyyyy?" I called.

"What Olly?! I'm busy." She answered.

"Yeah whatever. So whens this concert?" I laughed

"Tomorrow night!" She screamed, i smiled and headed down stairs to find Jessie watching Breaking Dawn part 2, i laughed she was addicted to twilight!


I woke up on the living room floor with a very sore arm because i was sleeping with it under me. I headed toward the kitchen and made coco pops for breakfast, i sat at the table and ate them while checking my twitter account, 500 followers not to bad i guess, i mean I'm nothing special I'm just an ordinary teenage girl and my life is anything BUT interesting. I have long wavy ginger hair which i adore and brown eyes. All my friends say I'm pretty but I'm nothing compared to them especially Emily! She has quite long brown hair and brown eyes as well but she's so pretty!

Then i remember today was the day of the concert and went to get ready as it was already 12:30! How did i sleep that late! We were going for a bite to eat before the concert and it started at 6 so i better get my arse in gear!

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