Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to My Goldfish, Sherlock. R.I.P

Zayn's P.O.V.

'LOUIS TOMLINSON!!!' Olly yelled chasing him into the garden, 'GIVE IT BACK!' She tripped over something and landed face first onto the grass making everyone laugh.

'Vas Happenin'? I said coming out into the garden.

'ZAYN YOU CARROT!! SAYING VAS' HAPPENIN' IS SO 2010!!!' Olly screeched before running inside.

'Well, that was strange..' Liam muttered riffling his hair. Olly came running back into the garden,

'Louis, your mum called. She said to make sure you washing your... underwear? And she wanted to know how you managed to get such a pretty girlfriend!' She smiled.

'What?' Louis said, tilting his head to the side in confusion. 

'Oh yeah, it was a skype call.' 

' YOU TOLD MY MUM  WE WERE DATING?!' Louis yelled, causing all the colour to drain from Olly's face. Louis suddenly charged towards her at full speed. I grabbed her arm and pulled her behind me. 

'Louis calm down and go wash your underwear, we're flying to LA today remember?' I said calmly and he sighed and stormed off.

'Thanks Zaynie poo!' Olly screamed planting a kiss on my forehead before skipping inside, smiling like and idiot. All the boys, Jessica and Emily looked at me confused and i shrugged and headed inside myself.

I wandered the halls of our big house until i came to my room. Opening my wardrobe i pulled out a white shirt, Black jeans and some white converse. I stripped off the checkered pajama pants i was wearing and hopped into the shower. 


I looked in the mirror happy with my appearance, i pulled a light denim jacket off my bed and shrugged it on. 'Looking good Zayn.' I muttered to my reflection in the mirror. I jamp when i heard laughter and turned to see Olly rolling on the floor.

'You.. Talk.. To.. Your.. Mirror..' She chocked out in between her laughter, she was wearing a black Ramone's shirt with jean shirts and white converse. Her long ginger hair was pulled back in a band and she had light make up on. She stood up and wiped the tears form her eyes and smiled. 'Come on Zayn, Lets go to the airport.' She said while jumping on my back. 'TO LA!' She yelled as i grabbed my case and ran down the stairs with her clinging to my back. The others were standing at the door when we came down and Niall smirked.

'Having fun there you two?' He chuckled, 

'Yeah Ni, so much fun... if you get what i mean.' Olly winked and i could feel myself turning red. 

'GET IN THERE OLLY!' Jessica yelled and everyone burst out laughing. Olly took this as a chance to run toward the black van parked outside.

'SHOTGUN!' She screamed and everyone groaned. We all filed into the van and Harry drove us to the airport. During the ride I started to think about what it would be like to have Olly as my girlfriend. She would be mine, we could go on romantic dates, i could kiss her whenever i wanted, we could go to concerts, i would tell her i loved her everyday just so she knows it, i would personally murder anyone that hurt her, ever. I was so involved in my daydreams i didn't even notice when we boarded the plane. We all took our seats and i ended up beside Emily.

Jessica was with Louis, Harry was with Liam and Olly was with Niall. I heard Niall mutter something to Olly and she Laughed before standing up and heading over to the couple a few rows over from us. She bent down and whispered something in the woman's ear, the poor woman's eyes widened and she slapped Olly across the face. 

I sat in shock watching the scene unfold, Niall stopped laughing and rushed to hold Olly back as she tried to lash out at the woman. The air hostess' ran over and tried to stop the woman from punching Olly. The woman pulled away and slammed her fist into Ollys head causing Olly to stumble backwards into Harry. The air hostess sighed and told the Woman she would have to leave before the plane took of and then glared at Olly and told her to sit back down. 

Falling for you. -Zayn Malik FanFic-Where stories live. Discover now