chapter 2

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They saw each other like sunlight filtered through the trees...bright enough to see, but not enough to live by yet.

He walks beside Obi Wan, barely listening with a smile on his face. His master is scolding him for jeopardizing the plan but he knows, deep down, that later, Obi Wan will be thanking him when they return to the council with Elara in hand.

As the two men stop in front of Elara's temporary holding cell for the first round of interrogations, Obi Wan turns to Anakin with a frown.

"Now, before we go in there, I need to warn you," he says calmly, "If the difficulty level of catching Miss Margosa is any reflection of her personality, then we are in for a real treat. Please try to keep your temper in check."

Anakin rolls his eyes with a smirk, "You have no faith in me, Master." Obi Wan replies with only a look before proceeding to unlock the door to Elara's cell.

As they enter, the first thing Anakin notices is that Elara is turned to face the small window of her cell. Though her hands are still bound behind her back, she does not stir and sits comfortably, just staring out into space.

"Hello, Miss Margosa," Obi Wan greets her first. She does not turn to face them.

"The stars are so dreadfully constant, aren't they, boys?" she replies. Neither reply. She continues.

"I mean, they are just always there. And even when one dies, another one replaces it. And another. And another. How remarkable it would be if one day the sky just went dark. Now that would be amazing."

Anakin's eyebrows furrow and Obi Wan clears his throat.

"Not one for star gazing, are you?" he asks with a smile. She sighs.

"No, don't get me wrong; the sky is one of my favorite things. Even boring things can have a certain appeal to them. And if they must be the only constant thing in my life, then so be it. I just feel like twists are always more interesting than consistency."

There is a moment of silence, and then Anakin speaks up, "Is that why you move around a lot? It must keep things from getting boring."

Elara smiles over her shoulder, "There's one reason. The other reason for moving around frequently is so scum like you Jedi can't keep up."

Anakin frowns and she turns her head back to the window.

"Do you mind if I turn your chair to face us, Miss Margosa?" Obi Wan walks towards her.

"By all means, but it seems like you would have done it with or without my permission," she smirks. Obi Wan helps her get up, twists her chair so it is facing the door, and then helps her sit back down. She watches Anakin closely, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I was wondering why the interrogation is starting so quickly," Elara speaks, her eyes not leaving Anakin's, "Now I realize it's a test for your shadow over here. Last time I saw you, Obi Wan, you were Qui Gon's padawan. Now, you're a babysitter yourself."

Anakin breaks her gaze and clenches his fist only for a moment. He makes a mental note to himself that he has got to learn how to control his emotions better; or, at least, not show them as much.

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