chapter 10

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The sun and the moon used to fight, but now, they work together to make things right. Each day and each night, each day and each night...

"Elara, please," her sister begged, her eyes welling up with tears, "Do not be angry."

"Angry? I'm furious." Her fists were clenched at her sides. Even as a young girl, her temper was unruly, and her sister's betrayal made it even worse.

Elara was young, yes, but she was not foolish. She was not ignorant. She knew what love looked like in the eyes of another. She had seen it in her parents' eyes when they gazed at each other, or at Renata, her sister. She had seen it in the eyes of strangers in the street, as they walk arm in arm or hand in hand and lived a mundane, uneventful life that Elara had never wanted...until now.

Renata, at the age of sixteen, had married. And no one had bothered to tell Elara.

Elara remembered the day she left to start her training. The two sisters had made a pact. Since Elara could not love, then neither would her loyal, older sister. They would never be alone because they had each other, but they would never give their hearts away.

Not only was Renata breaking their promise, but she was living a dream that Elara never thought she even had.

Not only was she married, but she was lusting after another that was not hers.

Renata did not even appreciate the love she had, willing to throw it all away for a man who could never feel the same for her.

Renata was confessing her love for Obi Wan, and it set Elara's heart ablaze.

"Elara," she heard Obi Wan's voice in her head, strong and loud. Elara turned towards the door and saw him, young, just over twenty. He repeated her name.


She sits upright on the sandy banks of the pond, hearing her name being called. His voice was real.

This is no longer a dream.

She looks up at the sky, now dark due to the falling of night. Elara's heart falls. They have lost track of time, and now, they would pay for it.

Elara watches Anakin for a moment, sleeping peacefully at her side. It pains her to wake him, but she is too panicked to think longer about it.

"Anakin," she whispers harshly, her eyes looking up at the top of the hill. There stands Obi Wan, his lightsaber out and blazing, guards following close behind him.

Drowsily, Anakin's eyelids flutter open, and his first action is to smile at Elara. He feels natural doing so, as if she had slept by his side all night in their bed, and it is now time to start their day together. However, his smile fades when he catches sight of Elara's frantic expression.

The world comes flooding back to him in an alarming, quick wave.

The two feel guilty being together, despite giving into their emotions very little physically. They feel guilty because though they did not do anything, their emotions betray them. Those emotions would be evident to Obi Wan, who knows them both well enough, as well as the look of love. One look at them together would suffice.

"What can we do?" Elara asks, her eyes pleading. Anakin shakes his head. There is no use in hiding. Obi Wan is upon them.

The two turn to face their Master.

"Where have you been?" Anger flares in Obi Wan's eyes, illuminated by the green glow of his lightsaber. Elara does not meet his gaze, but Anakin musters up the courage to speak.

"I was showing her the grounds. We lost track of time, and the training has made us both tired-"

"'Showing her the grounds?' 'Showing her the grounds?'" he repeats Anakin twice in disbelief, "I gave you strict orders. Do not let her out of the castle without my permission. Do not let her out of your sight!"

"What happened to all of that about me not being a prisoner?" a surge of energy flows through her veins, fueled by the want to protect Anakin from further scolding.

"There is no need to pretend, Elara!" Obi Wan snaps back at her, "Anakin and I both know that you will escape if we give you the chance."

Anakin has almost forgotten. He had been so close to forgetting that Elara is a runner, and she could have been trying to trick him into a state of vulnerability before taking off. He waits in a glimmer of hope to see if Elara would deny it.

She does not.

"Come, both of you," Obi Wan orders sternly, putting his lightsaber back in his belt. Anakin gets up, not waiting for Elara to follow as he takes Obi Wan's side, not looking to her once. Elara watches them leave for a second before obediently following behind. She notices that the guards fell in behind her to keep her from escaping.

Elara has never felt more caged in her life.


All night, Elara tries with all her might to block out the visions of the heated argument Obi Wan and Anakin are having, but she fails over and over. She hears their yells in her mind, echoing and vibrating in her skull. She cannot tune them out, for the power is new to her, the power to peer into conversations so vividly. The words consume her and leave stinging wounds. Every time Obi Wan says her name, tone dripping with venom, the hurt increases.

Anakin is deflating; she can tell. His weakness is the name Padme, which Obi Wan makes a point of saying over and over again.

She tells herself she has known this whole time, that Anakin has a girl back home who he already loves, already cherishes secretly behind closed doors. Padme holds his heart, she has already known that there is someone else who is holding onto him in ways Elara has never been held.

When this is confirmed, however, by his reaction to each utterance of her name, she finds her heart aching in ways it never has.

Elara has had this part of her locked away for a long time, but somehow, she feels again.

Her cheeks grow moist, and she realizes with disdain that she is crying. Once Elara acknowledges it, her sobs grow larger until they are an uncontrollable hurricane.

Things are going to change. Whatever she had thought was going to happen is no longer a possibility.

Elara is filled with pain for what could have been.

Through her cries, she still hears their turbulent conversation, but it has grown quieter. Her view is foggy, and she suddenly feels that Anakin is crying, too. What for, she does not know, but she feels his pain swell up within him, making hers even more unbearable.

"Enough is enough, Anakin," Obi Wan sighs, his voice softening, "Let go of this."

To Elara's dismay, Anakin replies, "Yes, Master."

a/n- Hey guys! this chapter is a bit of a filler, but I hope you've enjoyed it nonetheless. More updates to come soon :,)

Edit- soooo sorry about that you guys! This is the real chapter lol

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