Chapter 5- Lost Appetite.

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"What are you doing after school?" Carlie murmurs as she chews on her pizza. 

I look at her in disgust, "How the hell do you eat that shit?" 

She chuckles, "Okay Jamie, not everyone has a personalized chef to make her food every day." 

I roll my eyes. I hate that she always uses my family's wealth against me to make it seem like I could get anything that I want. 

"I'm just say, school food tastes like cardboard with oils and salt slapped on it." 

"Ugh, I think you just made me lose my appetite. Thanks a lot." She says as she plops the pizza on her tray. 

Niall laughs. "Hey, I'm having a little get together later, you in?" 

"Get together?" I question. Usually, when Niall has a little 'get together' it's more of a 'get together' and invite half of the town to drink and grind on each other until one of you gets sore. 

Before I can give him an answer, a loud soud of metal clashing comes from across the room and I turn my attention to the source of sound.

"Sorry, sorry." The clumsy boy mutters. It's Harry.

He has dropped his tray of shitty school cafeteria food and is now scattering to pick up the remains. 

"You know what would be fun?" Carlie smirks slyly at me.

"What?" I turn my attention back to Carlie.

"If you can get that loser to the get together." Niall finishes for her. 

"What?" I raise my brows, thinking I had heard wrong. 

"Invite the geek to the get together. Unless... you're scared? Chicken!" Carlie accuses as she makes chicken arms and noises at me.

There's a long pause as I try to hold back from laughter at her ridiculous attempt to be a chicken. 

"You're a piece of shit, Carlie." I smirk as I got up and walk towards the helpless boy. 

Harry seems surprised as I bent down and poked at a piece of Jell-o on the floor. 

"You don't have to---" 

"I wasn't going to, Styles. By the way, you know there's a janitor for that, right?" I chuckle. 

"Oh." He realizes as he stands up. 

"So my friend's having a get together." 

He gives me a confused look, "And?"

"You're coming." 

He frowns, "I have to st--"

I roll my eyes, "Bring your books with you then."

He opens his mouth as if to say something but I walk away before he can.

 As I walk back towards my table, Carlie and Niall smiles and slow claps for me.


When I get home the house is empty. I sigh as I run upstairs and charge my phone. I look at the clock, it is only 3 o'clock. I open my laptop and browse around before I get bored and shut it. 

I lay on the bed with my head upside down on the side and my hair cascading down when an idea pops in my head. I snatch my phone and call my dad. 

"Hello?" He answers. 

"Hey dad." 

"Hey honey, can you make this quick I got tons of work to finish." 

"Yeah sure, sorry. Can I have your spare phone?" 

"Did your's break?" He asks confusingly. 


He chuckles, "Okay, go ahead." 

"Cool." I hang up and put my phone down. 

I don't know what I'm doing, but my feet carried me to the front of my dad's office door. It's locked, but I had a bobby pin in my pocket and I used it to unlock the door. 

The office is huge, probably bigger than about three normal bedrooms combined. The bookshelves are stacked with white binders, and the cherry wood floor is spotless. It smells of Febreze with a hint of whiskey lingering around. 

I walk towards his desk and open a drawer, and about a couple more before finding my dad's spare iPhone. 

I smile and head back to my bedroom, making sure to lock the office door on my way out.


The drive to Harry's house is chilly but peaceful. I park my motorcycle in front of his two door garage and walk to the door. 

I ring the doorbell and wait for an answer. A few moments later, a woman opens the door. 

"Can I help you?" She smiles. She has the same dimples as Harry. 

"Is Styles---I mean, is Harry here?" 

She looks at me, up and down, before opening the door wider and gesturing me to enter.

"Harold, someone is here for you!" She yells towards the stair. 

I stand awkwardly by the door before I hear footsteps. 

"Who?" He questions before he lays his eyes on me, "Oh." 

I chuckle. 

"I'm Elizabeth by the way, his grandmother. I'll get out of your guy's hair. It was nice meet you," She smiles at me. 

I'm surprised when she says 'grandmother,' she looks not a little over 50.

"She's really young." I state as she sashays away.

"Yeah." He nods, "Why are you here?" 

I stare at him before I realize what my surprised appearance was for. 

"Here." I pull the black phone out of my pocket and hand it to him. 

"You came here to show off your new iPhone 5?" 

I laugh, "No, it's for you." 

"What?" He drops the phone but I swoop down and catch it. 

"Here." I hand it to him. He seems frozen, so I place the phone in his hands.

"Why?" He utters. 

"Because... how else will I reach you whenever my friends put me up for a dare or a bet?" 

"Well I can't take this it must of cost loads and--" 

I roll my eyes, "Shut up Styles it's my dad's spare, it didn't cost me anything." 

"Oh..." He says quietly. "Are you sure?" 

I nod. "Although I find it really funny that you have this huge ass house and a GILF, but you don't have a phone."

He knits his brows together and gives me a weird look, "Don't talk about my grandmother like that. And also, I never found the need for a cell-phone." 

"Yeah because communicating through E-mail is the most convenient way." I snark sarcastically. 

He shakes his head lightly as he looks to the floor. 

"Okay.. I guess that was it," I say as I slowly backed up from his front door. 

"Okay, goodbye." He smiles. 

I could feel a smile coming onto my face but I stop it and turn around, hurrying to my beloved motorcycle. 

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