Letters to Augustus - Part 4

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Dearest Augustus,

This letter will have to be short, as I'm a bit preoccupied with severe emotional trauma at the moment.

Isaac passed away last night at 12:43a.m precisely. Patrick came to visit, to tell him that he would be okay and that he needed to keep fighting, and I guess Isaac just decided that he didn't want to listen to Patrick's bullshit anymore. I can't blame him. Honestly, I would've done the same.

I'm scared, Augustus. I really am. I'm losing everyone I love. How long will it be before I lose all the others? How long until Annie is gone? Mom? Dad? Will I outlast all of them, or am I next?

Annie's condition is deteriorating, which means I'm probably going to lose her too. I'm sick of all the heartbreak and pain. It's unavoidable. Pain demands to be felt. But this pain is different. It's more than simple emotional pain. It's hard to explain, but I know you get it. You always get it. You always got it, anyway.

Don't you ever forget how much I love you.

So long and good night, Augustus.


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