Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

" sir" I called the doctor

"Yes" the doctor answered

" when is Emily going in for surgery?" I asked

" in a hour" he said

I nodded. I walked back in to Emily's room

" babe" I said

" yeah" Emily said

" the doctor told me that your surgery is in an hour " I told her

" oh " she said

" everything alright Emma?"

" yeah just scared" she said

" don't worry everything gonna be ok" I said as I kissed her forehead

The doctors came in and wheel her out and put her in the surgery room the doctor told me the surgery would be about 2 hours. I left the hospital and went to Starbucks I got me and Emily's favourite drink "orange mango smoothie" I sat down at a booth and I stared thinking about her I pulled out my phone and about a thousand people had text me. But something was creepy I got a text for Tyler.

" bro I need your help!!" He said

Tyler asking me for help ok this is new

" what's up" I said

" I need your help" he said

" with what?" I asked

" Emily" he said

" what why?" I asked

" I feel bad" he said

" how the fuck do you feel bad I'm not helping you, I'm sorry you I'm gonna only tell you this, Emily loves you so much ok but you don't listen to her ok bye I've gotta go" I said

I pushed my phone back in my pocket and walked out I went to my car and drove to the hospital I saw Samantha and Austin. I walked beside them and they just ignored me for some reason I Didn't do anything to them. Emily was just finished with surgery they wheeled her back in to the room the doctor says she has to stay over night once again. I walked in the room she was asleep so I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear that I love her and I'll will try to make things with her and her brother better. I left the hospital and went to Emily's house. I parked the car and went to go knock on the door. But the door was opened I walked up the stairs and heard crying Tyler was crying in Emily's room

" Tyler" I said

" bro get away from me" he said loudly

" no " I said louder

" get the fuck away from me harry" he said he got up

" bro let the past go" I said

" but she meant everything to me and you killed her"he said

Tyler's hand got in to fist and he punched me right in the stomach i couldn't breath I fell on Emily's bed Tyler got on top and punched me I tried to fight back but I couldn't My lip started to bleed I shoved Tyler in to the bookshelf I had enough I was about to leave but Tyler put his hand on my shoulder I turned around and he was holding a knife

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