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As I start to stir to wake up, I feel that I am practically on top of someone, as I move I hear a grunt in protest from under me.

I open my eyes and see Gerard right in my face, our noses are touching.

I slightly shift my body to figure out what body parts are mine from Gerards.

I feel that one of my legs is in between Gerards and the other one is over the top of all of the legs and is basically wrapped around Gerards thighs, our hips and chests are pressed tightly together, one of my arms is curled up between our chests and the other one wrapped aroung Gerards waist and the same for his arms, our arms between our chests are holding hands and his other arm is around my waist.

We are basically a tangled mess.

I just stare at him, while he is sleeping.

Creepy I know, but he is just so peaceful and cute, no, adorable, when he is sleeping.

Not that he isn't adorable when he is awake, he is actually pretty hot when he is awake, but not really peaceful, more like mysterious, it is kind of a turn on actually.

He gently smiles and squeezes my hand from under the blanket and then flutters his eyes open.

'Morning Frankie." He says with sleep still laced in his voice.

'Morning Gee." I say back, with a small smile, he still looks a little fazed and tired.

Absolutely Adorable.

He trys to move but then settles down when he realizes, we are all tangled up.

"I have to pee, but I don't want to get up, because this position in really comfy and you are really warm." He says to me.

I slowly retrieve my legs and arms from him and unlace our fingers, "Go pee, I will be here when you come back." I say to him, as he scrambles from the bed and leaves the room.

I pull the covers over me tighter as the sudden heat has left with Gerard.

I have the covers all the way up to my nose and I just stare up at the ceiling, just letting my mind wander around, and it always seems to come back to one place.


Ughh, why, he probably just wants to be friends.

But then he said last night he wanted to kiss me for 5 years.

Ugh, I am still confused and I still have some things to explain to Gerard.

But he hasn't pushed me so that is nice.

I wonder what Bert is doing right now, I wonder if he is looking for me. Or even notices I am gone, in his drunken haze.

Why am I thinking about Bert.

That is literally the last thing I want to think about.

"Hey, Frankie, I ran into my mom in the hallway on the back from the bathroom and she said to get ready so we can get you stuff." Gerard says, as he leans very sexily against the door frame.



Darnnit, I am head over heels for Gerard.

He can't know.

He will unfriend me and hate me forever. For sure.

Gerard walks over to his bed and sees that only my eyes and up are still visible. I hear him let out a small chuckle as he climbs back in bed and wraps him arms around my small frame, pulling me close into him.

God darn you Gerard. I have a huge crush on you and you are making it ten times worse.

I hear a breathy chuckle and I look up at him, and into his stunning eyes.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing, you are just so cute, little Frankie." He says.


He thinks I am cute.

And little.


Thank you Gerard.

"Thanks...?" I say to him and start to tangle myself up with him again.

I became crazily relaxed around Gerard and start to close my eyes again as I slowly drift into sleep.

"I'll never let them take the light behind your eyes, My Frankie." I hear Gerard say in my almost sleep state, as he presses a kiss to my forehead. "I think I am falling in love with you, Frankie."

And with that I fall into a nice comfortable sleep once again.
I wake up once again, but this time, Gerard is watching me sleep.

I smile weakly at him, as he gently brushes my fringe out of my face.

"Thanks." I say quietly, as he is finishing and rests his hand on my cheek.

"Mmhmm." He makes a sound of reconizition, and just looks in my eyes.

"Talk to me Gerard, I feel like I hardly know anything about you." I say, slightly regretting my words.

Why, am I so stupid.

"Shhh, you are not stupid, I will tell you when we get back from getting your stuff." He replies.

"How did you...?" I ask him.

He smiles contently to him self with my confusion, "I will tell you later, I promise."


My boyfriend is a psychic. That is kind of cool actually, I wish I could be a psychic, or something, anything really. I guess I am just tired of being me.

Me: the scared little emo-punk-rock kid because he can't stand up for him self. So instead he tells all of his problems to the deseased.

Wait, did I say boyfriend?

Is Gerard my boyfrined?

I don't know, but now that I think about it, I bet Gerard is weighing in on all my thoughts, at the moment.

Stop is Gerard, I know you are listening to me think.

I stare at his face and it scrunches up a little bit and he smiles.

That little turd.

Oh stop, Frankie, I like hearing you think, It is really adorable.

Holy shiz, he just talked to me through my head. His lips didn't even move. What the hell is going on?!

That is really creepy, is this what you and your brother were doing yesterday, because it was quite alarming, watching both of your faces, like you were having an argument, but there were no words.

He laughs a little bit.

Yep, looks like we have been found out. Haven't we?

I nod my head, I was okay with him being able to read my mind, it alarmed me a bit, because he knows all the things I have said about him and all of my secrets.

It is quite scary actually.

He knows my weaknesses, my secrets, my memories, good and bad, He knows my faults, my sins, and he definitely knows, how I feel about him.
Oooh what have I done know.
That is right PLOT TWIST haha
Have fun frnk_geesmarriage trying to figure it out haha
IsabellaRomero971 same to you lol

If you havent already, please check out both of there stories, they are both really good, and they update pretty often, *because i beg them to update, because I love their stories haha*

xoxoPyroBlack ♡
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