Take Me Away: Chapter 5

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You idiot, you should've just gone to school, it would've been better than this hell hole.

Shut up! Shut up!

You're gonna get killed if you go in there, you and I both know it.

I said shut up!

If you die, it's your fault, you worthless piece of-

"Annabelle, what the hell are you doing here?" Mom slurred.

"Didn't feel like going to school," I mumbled.

"What are yelling at Mich?" Dad yelled from the kitchen.

"The mistake we made 17 years ago!"

"Oh screw you!" I yelled.

"What did you just say to me?"

"You heard me bitch!"

"Don't talk to your mother like that!" Dad scolded. He stormed into the room and shoved me into the nearest wall. He shoved me face first, which made my nose crack, sending an echo through the room.

"She's no mother," I spat. "She's just some worthless, drugged up whore who gave birth to me."

"Say that again," mom said. "I dare you!"

She raised her hand to me and I immediately flinched. She quickly gave me a smug smirk as she lowered her hand. I stepped back and took a sigh of relief; little did I know, my mind was being messed with. Out of the corner of my eye I saw mom take a step towards me. I raised my head, only to be greeted with a stinging pain on my face. I fell to the floor in shock and pain; anger was quickly joining the party. As I laid there, paralyzed from fear, I felt someone tug on my long, black, locks. It was mom; she was tugging at my hair and forcing me to look her in the eyes.

"Look at you...you're scum. You call me a worthless whore...well Annabelle...you're the one that's worthless. Sprawled out on the floor, crying, cringing, from one single slap. You don't deserve half the things we do for you."

"Look at me? Look at you. Not able to form a logical sentence...never mind a sentence that contains more than seven words. Must be a result of all the crack and meth and-"

"Shut your dirty mouth!" Mom scolded. She raised her free hand once more and struck my face again; this time with the back of her hand. As she smacked me, her engagement ring dragged against my cheek, causing me to cry out in pain. "Anything else you wanna say Annabelle or are you done embarrassing yourself?" I took a deep breath before staring into her soulless eyes. I gave her a little smirk and spat some of my excess blood onto her ugly mug. She was taken aback but it didn't take her long to throw my face onto the blood stained floor.

"I hate you," I choked out.

"Get out of my sight."

"Make me, bitch."

"Hey!" Dad yelled. He picked me up in one swift motion; once I was on my feet he took ahold of my neck and started choking me. "Don't you ever talk to her like that again...you hear me?"

"Yes," I whimpered.

"Good." He gave my neck another tight squeeze before letting me fall to the ground once more; I began squirming around as I gasping for air. "You're right Mich...she is scum," he smirked. "Go to your room Annabelle and don't make me say it twice,"

"Yes sir," I cried.

I struggled to get up but after a great deal of trying, I was able to stand on my two wobbly legs. After a few steps, I toppled over and was now depending on the wall for support. I started dragging my feet through the dark, narrow hallway and eventually found my way into the closet I call my room. As I trudged in, I slammed my door and fell to the floor in agony.

I hate it here!

I told you so.

Oh shut up!

Make me. Awe, is the big baby gonna cry?

Shut up!

I don't understand why you don't just end it. I mean, you could anytime. There's a shit ton of medication in the bathroom cabinet. There's a shit ton of alcohol lingering all over the house. Pick your poison darling.

Shut up!


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