British Idiot...

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I slowely took steps as I wondered in through the rather tall jet black gates. I looked at all the people in there huge friendship groups and then there was me all alone. My family had just moved from England to Australia, this was a decision I had always wanted my parents to make but I had never thought about leaving my friends behind and starting at a new school on the other side of the world. I may never see my best friend again and the closest I would get to her was now through the internet.

"Newbie" A few girls shouted at me as I walked past them as I was frantically trying to find someone who looked nice and would talk to me. As I was doing so a boy came up to me. He had black hair and the most amazing blue eyes. "G'day, ignore them lot so you're new then?" I nodded as his strong Australian accent continued through my mind. "Erm... Hi I'm Katie Chapman" I replied in my boring British accent. "I'm Lachie Hill, nice to meet you! So your from England right?" I nodded still nervous wondering if he was slowely just taking the mick out of me. I still could'nt believe his amazing accent and his shimmering bright blue eyes.

A couple of seconds later the bell rang sounding a little bit different from the bell I was so used to hearing back home. " Right registration time do you know what class your in?" I showed him a piece of paper which had my whole time table on it. "Ah right were in the same classes for most of the day." He slowely smiled at me showing his white pearl teeth, as he pointed in the direction of our class. How could he be in the same classes as me he looked like a year eleven not a year nine!

As we arrived at the classroom he quickly introduced me to some other people in our class. Ella, Joel, Maxi, Tamika and Brooke and they all seemed rather friendly. Lachie let me sit next to him in registration as I only knew the people he had just introduced me to. "Aha, Lachie sitting next to the British idiot!" came from over the other side of the room. I stared down at the table really embarrassed. Lachie stood up in rage. "Caitlin you better shut your mouth before I come over there and shut it for you! So what if she's British she's alot nicer than you!"

At that point Mrs.Jones our teacher walked into the room and started having ago at Caitlin and Lachie. "Lachie! Atleast try setting an example if your going to be a mentor to our newest member Katie. And for you Caitlin you have had several warnings and you are starting to annoy many of us teachers so go and sit outside the principles office and I will be emailing him."

"Lachie you didn't need to do that! You got yourself into trouble because of me."

"Katie, she shouldn't be calling you a British idiot then should she!? She isn't exactly welcoming you into Australia is she!?"

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