5.Game onn!!!

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Nikhil's POV

"Listen everyone... Soon your training incharge Mr. Raghav Dutta will join you...till then you guys can go through the manual in front of you it contains all details you need..." Said a girl in a not interested tone....

I get it.... People get bored working in the same office... Doing the same job... but... One can also enjoy the monotonous routine by just being a little cheerfull na....

Okayy...enough philosophy for today..
So where were we..... yeah so again here I am in the 4th auditorium of Hotel Fate... we were supposed to be here by 9:00 in the morning but due to my excitement I came early and found only Sana... who I guess was also excited and came early... so I decided to talk to her.... As I already knew that she was a recruite like me, but she was also the co-ordinator from the Delhi HQ for this training and she had to make a report of this training.... Reason for her being here early....

I came to know that 10 people were recruited from all over India from same panel of experts, and now they are gonna train us for our jobs as Assistant Managers....

Soon more people started coming to the auditorium.... obviously other recruits... and there came Mansi and took a shot on my biceps...

"Aaaaoo... what was that for???"

"For not waiting up for me..." with that she again took a shot...

"Yaaaoo why again?????".... I winced in pain...

You guys must be thinking what kind of a guy gets hurt by some shot taken by a girl....let me enlighten you Einstein...
Mansi is a 3rd degree Black belt and even when she playfully takes a shot at someone... there's always a good chance that she might break something....

But in my case it's even worse... She doesn't break anything but she makes sure that I regret my action which pissed her off....

"Because the previous shot was feeling lonesome....." she smirked... And Sana smiled at my loss....

The auditorium was like you enter from the back and descend down the stairs to reach the stage....Being the first ones to arrive we took seats in first row..making it difficult for us to see who's sitting behind us...

After like 5 minutes a guy probably in his 50's... dressed in casual attire came to the stage...
( like seriously this guy was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.)
We were all at loss of words.... He took the mike an addressed us....

"Hi.. every one my name is Raghav Dutta and I'm your training incharge... I know you guys were expecting someone dressed in business attire like blown business suit with shiny black shoes and all... or a stern looking stubborn old creep... but here I am...."

"I'm here to train you guys as Assistant Managers....Right???"

"RIGHT" Replied all of us in unison....

"Wrong....I'm here to make you guys a better self... by the end of this training I promise you guys will be the same but only a better version of yourself.."

"All of you have been selected by the same panel of 3 judges as you guys were good enough for them.... But I don't do "good", I only want the best... And I know how to get it out of you...." With that he smiled...

His smile was creepy and sincere both at the same time, needless to say we all were confused....

"I can bet that most of you are confused right now...."

"Here... let me rephrase it like this...
The Interview panel has given me raw diamonds.... and now it's My job to make them a tiara material.....
To make them shine.....
I'm gonna improve your capabilities that's for sure and try to omit most of your flaws..."

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