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Shiro frowned, Naruto had left her alone after Kakashi had told the group what they were doing tomorrow. Shiro took a guess as to where Naruto would be, and surely enough she found him disguised as Sasuke and was talking to Sakura, Shiro sighed. Avoiding their attention and looked around, she was hungry.. But she had no money, she then grabbed out the little box. Opening it to find a small piece of bread she had packed for today. She then tore a piece of it off and put the lid back on, the piece was small but it would do. She then put the bow back into her weapon pouch and began to take small bites of the piece of bread. She wouldn't get any more food until the end of the week. She then leant against the tree, she usually slept and hanged around that tree. It was like a home to her considering she wasn't able to afford a home herself, she looked around curiously. She then spotted a weirded out looking Sasuke, she then sighed
"Naruto-kun what have you been doing?" She asked herself sighing, someone then took a seat beside her and handed her a boxed lunch, she looked up to see choji?
"Hello! You looked real hungry and I couldn't help but give you something!" Choji said cheerfully, Shiro looked at him and smiled
"No thank you akimichi-San but I'm alright.. Really" she assured the boy. Choji frowned
"Come on please eat, you look like your starving" choji asked worriedly. Shiro smiled but took the box off him "I've already ate so you don't need to worry!" Choji assured her, Shiro then began to eat. Smiling at Choji once she was finished
"Arigatou, akimichi-San"
"No problem Shiro-chan!" He said smiling, shikamaru then sat down Infront of her.
"So what are you doing out here alone Shiro?"
"Ah.. Nara-San! Why are you here?" Shiro asked.
"Same reason Choji's here, to see if your okay"
"why would I be okay...?"
"Because you look lonely" shikamaru stated making Shiro frown
"And hungry!" Choji added to shikamaru's observation. Shiro sighed
"I'm not lonely" shikamaru raised an eyebrow
"Then why were you frowning?" Shikamaru asked, Shiro frowned, feeling that there was no reason to deny that she was feeling lonely, she then whimpered head lowering
"G-Gomen if I made you worry!" She exclaimed. Choji frowned.
"Shiro. Could I talk to you?" The three kids then looked up at the masked shinobi.
"Ah hatake-Sensei!" Shiro said surprised.. Now three of them were here
"You boys should go" Kakashi said to the team 10 members, shikamaru and Choji nodded, not questioning kakashi's orders. Shiro looked up at Kakashi curiously
"Is something wrong hatake-Sensei?"
"No, I just need to talk to you about something" he says signalling her up and to follow. Shiro then got up and followed him to the training grounds.
"I'd like you to show me what jutsu you can do"
"I can do?" She asked, kakashi nodded. Shiro whimpered..
"Ha-hatake-Sensei.. I-I can't do any jutsu.. Properly" Kakashi sighed.
"I was hoping you'd at least know how to do one jutsu" he says sighing, Shiro looked down..
"I don't think I should become a ninja...." Shiro whispered.. Kakashi looked at her and sighed
"Don't talk like that Shiro, look at Naruto. He's got the second lowest grades"
"Second lowest hatake-Sensei, I've got the lowest" Shiro mumbled. Kakashi sighed and patted her head
"Well, if you want I can train you privately to get you up to standard okay?" Shiro looked up at her Sensei wide eyed
"Really?!" She shouted, her tails wagging making him smile
"If that's really what you want, but, you have to not quit"
"I won't hatake-Sensei!" Shiro shouted smiling, kakashi nodded
"Now go find the team" he said disappearing, Shiro smiled and did as she was told, going to find her odd teammates.

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