Hang out with gaara-san?

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Shiro frowned at the two men, Yuki sitting beside her with the same disappointed look on her face. Kakashi and Kurama where yet again arguing, now testing weak jutsu on each each just to annoy each other. Yuki was trying to ignore both men's arguments, even if it was only a harmless spar they still seemed to argue like it was a real fight, making Shiro frown
"Okaa-San? Why do they fight so much?" Shiro asked, Yuki looked down at Shiro with a slight stressed look
"Because they don't know when to stop" Yuki growled, her ears folding down as she watched Kakashi and Kurama argue and annoy eachother, the wolf beast was beginning to go past the limit with her patience when it came to the two men arguing, especially infront of Shiro, who wasn't being influenced in the best way. Her tail began to thrash around as she watched Kakashi and Kurama attack eachother like children, sometimes Yuki didn't know if they are actually men, most of the time they acted like little children crying and arguing over something so meaningless. Shiro didn't seem to like them arguing either. Shiro watched quietly from afar as the two men sparred, she never thought her Sensei would do something so childish like arguing over nothing, but it didn't really bother her, it actually reminded her of Naruto and sasuke's rivalry except not so loud.
"Papa?" Shiro suddenly spoke up, making Kurama let his guard down as he turned his head to Shiro with a raised eye brow
"What is it--" and Kurama was struck down by a bunch of Shuriken, which made the fox seem to get even more Angrier. Yuki sweat dropped as Kurama lashed back at the Hatake, Bearing his teeth at Kakashi as the two men then got into yet anger fight, even after having such a peaceful morning with the whole family. Shiro looked towards Yuki, who was just sitting beside her with an irritated expression, hey eyes were closed though making Shiro feel a title curious about what her mother was thinking about. Shiro watched Yuki curiously waiting or the woman open her eyes an either scold and yell back at the men or ignore them completely.
"Okaa-San?" Shiro asked getting the White wolf's attention, Yuki looked own at her daughter, her ears down and scowl, plastered on her face only cause by the two men that were arguing in front of them.
"Hmm?" Yuki looked down at her daughter with a slight irritated look
"Umm I'm going to go for a walk" Shiro said quietly. Yuki nodded
"Alright, come back soon okay, I may need some help getting those two to listen" Yuki stated with a strained smile, Shiro smiled back at her mother
"Hai" she whispered, Shiro quickly got up, leaving the three adults to kind of relax and walked io the village, in a day the last exam of the chuunin exams would be held. And she had made it into them but was she really ready? She had never seen herself to ever do something so difficult, for once she could be proud of her own accomplishments. Shiro looked around the village everyone looked so excite for the last exam, nobody seemed to even bother with her presence but that was nothing to her, even with all her fellow shinobi and a new family, she still felt the neglect the village cause her to feel he moment she entered the village years ago. Shiro had often thought abut going to all to Naruto and apologies for her words but he ignored her, avoided her as well. Her whole team seemed to be doing it but her Sensei, of course that was understandable. Shiro sighed her ears down as she tried to avo the annoyed and scared glances of the villagers, the other shinobi always got smiles and cheers when they went passed, why did she have to be so different? Why was she treated so different? She was glad that she had grown stronger, she was glad that she now could help the team ad protect her village but no one seemed to notice, Shiro frowned a little, sitting down at the base of her old home. A old oak tree that she had used to sleep in, no one knew that information not to even Kakashi who she was now living with knew that she used to be homeless. She walked around the village, ignoring the looks she got from the villagers and moved towards the centre of the village. Everyone seemed so excited most of the whispers she ears were about the third exams, shirk tried to ignore them, but she couldn't, her a cute hearing seemed to not let her drown out the voices and whispers she was hearing. Lost in her thoughts she didn't realise the red head stands in front of her watching her,
"What are you doing?" Gaara asked, his stone cold expression didn't change, his voice seems to snap Shiro out of her thoughts as she looked up at the sand ninja before sighing
"W-walking around...," Shiro whispered quietly, not really knowing the answer to his question herself, gaara looked past her. It was then when Shiro's ears picked up the sounds of footsteps.
"Hey Shiro!" Shiro turned around only to see Shikamaru panting as he smiled at her
"...Nara-San? " Shiro whispered, Shikamaru sighed,
"Sorry, but the hokage wants you" Shikamaru mutter panting, Shiro tilted her head in confusion but nodded anyway
"Hai.." She whispered, Shikamaru sighed,
"Geez what a drag" he grumbled, making Shiro smile,
"Nara-San it's not a drag" she said quietly smiling at the new chuunin. She then stopped walking and turned back to gaara with a kind smile
"G-gomen gaara-San,  the hokage needs me" she then stopped speaking and thought for a moment.. She then smiled "yosh! Why don't we meet at the front of the hokage monument! In about... Hmm" Shiro the began thinking again. Shikamaru sighed
"It shouldn't take more the an hour" Shikamaru said sighing, hand grasping Shiro's shoulder "now let's go Shiro, the hokage is waiting" Shikamaru urged. Shiro smiled softly and nodded
"Hai" she then waved to gaara "sayōnara gaara-San" she said as she jogged off to the hokage mansion with Shikamaru by her side leaving the red head confused and feeling..... Happy

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