First exam! Complete!

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Shiro walked inside the building. Looking around the halls until she found a group of people. She looked at it and spotted the rest of her team. She then friend and tried to push through, but was just shoved backwards, she then frowned.. Looking up, she then used her chakra and walked up the wall and jumped down landing on her feet in the middle of the group, right Infront of the rest of her team
"Uchiha-San-" Shiro started but she was ignored. Naruto looked back at the other teams and grinned, walking away.. Shiro looked at them.. Confused, why were they ignoring her? She quickly followed and caught up.
"Naruto-kun?" She asked but they just kept moving.. Shiro stopped, watching them walk away.. Why were they..? Shiro sighed, her shoulders dropping as she made way to the room that she was supposed to be in. Walking in and finding her self in a room with a bunch of pretty strong looking ninja, she shrunk back.. Going into the corner of the room and sitting down, playing with her tail.. Why am I being ignored? Did I do something? She thought, watching the rest of the young leaf shinobi enter the room, team 8, 9 and 10 were there too.. She stayed quiet until she heard someone sit beside her.
"Why aren't you with you team Shiro-chan?" Kiba asked, Shiro smiled at him,
"I just thought that I'd let them have their space, I mean I've been on every mission the team has had so I thought I'd allow them to be alone for a little bit is all" Shiro lied, kiba nodded his head and got up, going back over to his team, shiro sighed. She then spotted a great haired boy with glasses approach the other leaf genin, though she didn't mind, the boy seemed to give off a weary aura.. Shiro ignored it the best she could.. Hugging her tail.. What would she do if the team ignored her during the exam? Do they think she's really that useless? Shiro bowed her head.. Frowning at the thought of her teammate's ignoring her because they thought she would drag the team down.. And she had been doing that for the past few months.. She sighed, she then head a smash making her look up, some other shinobi were attacking the glasses guy.. It's wasn't until a loud booming voice entered the room did Shiro look up, the proctor was a man that had cloth covering the top his head, shiro looked at him curiously, the man then introduced himself as Morino ibiki and told off the shinobi that attacked the grey haired kid, Ibiki then went on and told the genin their task, and the rules. Shiro got up, going over to the desk she was assigned which was up next to Gaara.. She looked up to the proctors, what would she do? The test then began, it was a written test, she looked down at the paper, the questions seemed unsolvable. She then rested her head down on the desk, she was hopeless.
"Hmm... kakashi-sensei.. Why am I so useless..." She whispered,
Relax little one, here
Shiro looked forward, the words appearing Infront of her, she then jotted them down and sighed,
There you are
'Arigatou Yuki-san' she thought. Frowning, she cheated.. That wasn't allowed.. Right? She looked around, Sasuke had these weird things in his eyes.. Like kakashi did but only in one of his eyes..Shiro then went wide eyed.. Sharingan! Sasuke had his sharingan! Shiro smiled a little and looked up, gazing at the back of the person Infront of her.. She then smiled, but her lips were hidden by her arms, the point was to cheat. Those who were being called out were the ones who had been caught cheating. It just showed that there were a lot of skilled genin at this exam. Shiro smiled a little waiting for the test to finish, hopefully Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto were doing okay.. Once the time was up completely, naruto once again started yelling like the weirdo he is making Shiro smile
"Naruto-kun.. Your so weird" she whispered, smiling. Not noticing the red head that was watching her closely.. The boy didn't understand these new emotions.. He felt.. Happy.. As he watched her smile.. The corner of his lips twitched upwards into a slight smile.. Gazing at her with his teal blue eyes..not even noticing his siblings that were watching him shocked, once ibiki said the test was over and that all remaining genin passed a loud booming voice came into the room. It was a woman, with dark blue hair, she grinned leading the large group to where they would be taking the next exam, shiro looked up and went pale..looking up at the large tree... Frightened.. She glanced to her team that were taking no notice of her.. Her ears lowered, she'd die in there... She was sure of it.

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