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Niall's POV

It had been nearly a month since Carter and I had 'moved in' with Liam and Louis. I wished that I didn't have to rely on them so much but I didn't know what else to do. I felt like I couldn't go back to my house. I really didn't want to go back there. 

I had kind of been avoiding Liam since our conversation. I understood that Harry was his best friend and I didn't expect him to be negative towards him, but I was a little annoyed that he expected me to forgive him because he apparently didn't mean to hurt me.

How did he expect me to react? To laugh it off and continue living my life? That wasn't how things worked. Even if he didn't mean to hurt me, he did, and I wasn't going to sit here and pretend that everything was fine.

Liam seemed to realise I was making an effort to stay away from him, so he spent a lot of time out of the house.

He had been acting rather weird. In a way, he was kind of distant from everyone and would always be on his phone. What I realised was that I was rather good at reading people through their eyes. I wasn't sure if it was because I had dated someone who closed himself off more than half the time or not but I knew that something was going on. 


I woke up the next morning feeling horrible. I was covered in cold sweat and I felt like I was going to throw up. It kind of felt like I was-- no. That was impossible.

Regardless, I quickly got out of the bed and rushed into the bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

After spending about ten minutes crouched on the floor while shaking violently, I stood up and brushed my teeth. Although I now knew that pregnancy was normal for me, I didn't want to let it be a possibility. It couldn't be one.

I put an oversized hoodie on and headed into the kitchen, seeing Louis making Carter breakfast.

"Morning, mummy," he said, rushing over and hugging my legs tightly.

I couldn't help but let a smile take over my features as I stared down at the boy.

"Good morning, baby," I leaned down and kissed the top of his head, before looking back to Louis, who was staring at the two of us with a fond expression.

"Are you okay, Niall? You look like you haven't slept in weeks," he asked, frowning when he noticed the state I was in.

"I'm fine. A little nauseous but it doesn't matter," I shrugged, grabbing the plate of pancakes and cutting them into small pieces before giving them to Carter.

Louis gave me a look that suggested he knew it was more serious than nausea and I felt like he knew exactly what I was fearing.

"You're not--"

"Not here," I whisper shouted, glancing at Carter, who was no longer paying attention to either of us and was more focused on the pancakes in front of him.

Louis seemed to understand, as he closed his mouth but gave me a look that suggested we were going to speak about it later. I knew there wasn't going to be a way to avoid it. 


Once Louis and I were alone, he gently pushed me onto the couch and looked at me a gentle, yet still firm expression.

"Are you pregnant?" he finally asked.

I let out a sigh, breaking our eye contact to gaze at the wooden floor.

"I don't know, Lou. As much as I love being a parent, I don't want another one. I don't even fucking know where Harry is. I'm not pregnant, I'm just sick," I muttered, feeling tears form in the corners of my eyes.

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