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Niall's POV

"It's getting so uncomfortable, El. I don't even know how I managed the first time," I sighed, laying back on the bed and resting the phone on my stomach, Eleanor being put on speaker.

"Well, at least you're due in like three months, then you'll have two more," she tried to cheer me up.

"You don't even understand the struggle. I can't even walk properly anymore. Harry is one more complaint away from carrying me everywhere I need to go," I replied.

"And what's wrong with being carried? Enjoy not having to do anything for yourself while it lasts, it'll be over before you think," I could pretty much picture Eleanor raising her perfectly shaped eyebrow and giving me that look she always used to give me whenever I disagreed with her.

"You know I don't like people fussing over me. Bad enough that I get shit from Harry but Louis won't stop acting like I'm ready to burst into tears at any moment," I breathed out, momentarily closing my eyes.

"They care about you, Ni. You're aware that it's their personalities that cause them to be a little protective. Just let them fuss over you, after all the shit you have to go through, I guess you deserve a few months of treating them like they're your slaves," she replied, causing me to scoff.

"I'm not even concerned about myself right now, I'm perfectly fine. Yeah the baby bump gets annoying sometimes but it's not something I haven't dealt with before. Harry's the one that needs help, I don't think he's slept properly since we found out we were having twins," I rolled my eyes, though I found Harry's constant worrying quite adorable, not that I would tell him that.

The last thing I wanted was to damage his ego.


"So how many months along are you now?" Louis asked, sitting down on my couch beside me. "You don't have that long left, don't you?"

My baby bump was now absolutely huge, so it wasn't that hard for Louis to guess I was getting quite far along. It was honestly so much harder this time around, I forgot how much my body ached after a certain point.

It had also become increasingly hard to walk. My feet were swollen, my legs and back constantly ached and I was always so tired. Though the constant sickness was over, I still sometimes had to throw up, I needed to pee so much more regularly, and my stomach would constantly cramp.

"Six months or something. I honestly don't even want to think about it, I'm tired and in pain," I pretty much whimpered, earning a sympathetic look from my best friend.

"Come here," he sighed, making me move over to lay my head on his lap, his hands moving up to softly run his fingers through my hair.

"Just think, soon you'll be able to add two amazing daughters to your family. Think of the positives, alright?" he said softly.

"You're right. It's just that this pregnancy feels worse than last the last one. It's probably nothing," I breathed out, focusing on the feeling of Louis' fingers running through my hair.

"You're doing so well, Niall. You're so strong and you need to give yourself more credit for that," he sighed and I could see the smile on his face.

"Well, I know how you're feeling about this, but how's Harry coping?" he asked. Louis knew that Harry loved both me and Carter with all he has and would do whatever he could for the two of us but he was worried that Harry was feeling pressured by everything that was happening. 

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