Butterfly (a Harry Styles fanfiction)

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Emmas POV.

I was sitting on the local bus driving to my best friend to spend the afternoon at her house. It was very full and I wasn't really interested in any other passengers, but I was glad not being in the crowd of  warm bodies pressed against eachother. I was listening to Music when the bus stopped, letting an older Lady step in. Seing her from a distance I expected somebody to get up and let her have a seat, but apparently people were to fine, to get off their butts. So I got up offering her my seat and she took it with a thankful smile. I gave the other passengers a incomprehensible glare, when suddenly the busdriver roughly stepped on the accelerator, making me, who wasn't holding on to anything, stumble back, desperatly trying to grab something to hold on, so I could pull myself up again. But I failed.

I could feel the gloating faces directed my way while I was falling, when suddenly I felt somebody step behind me, big muscular, tanned arms wrapping themselves around my waist, to prevent me from hitting the ground. 

For a  couple of seconds I was in shock rigid, savouring the warm presence from behind me. But suddenly I realised what was happening around me and I pushed myself up hastly.

I slowly turned around to face my savior, but all I saw was a big butterfly. It held my attention until I realised I was staring at my rescuers uncovered chest tattoo. Blushing I looked up a bit higher, finding myeslf glance into the most beautiful, big, emerald eyes, I had ever seen. When his glimpse caught mine, those stunning eyes got darker, sending shivers throughout my whole body. I don't know why, but I suddenly felt very attracted to my opposite.

"Hey, clumsy." he murmured with a very rough, deep voice, a sassy, dimpled smirk resting on me, knowing I was glancing at him, stunned by his beautiful self. My cheeks grew even redder, as I looked down, to hide my shy smile. But he tilted my chin up, forcing me to look into those breathtaking eyes again.

"You should be more careful, riding on the bus can be very risky, especially if you don't hold onto something, you know?"

My hand flew to his chest, pushing myself away from him, frowning. But his smirk only got wider and he pulled me closer, one arm slung around my back so I couldn't escape from him. He rose his other hand, gently caressing my cheek, which made me tingle inside.

The heat between us rapidly increased. And there was this strange attraction where I had no idea it came from, I had never met him before. "What's your name?" he quietly asked. "E-Emma" I stuttered. 'Damn it, don't get insecure now' I thought, innerly trying to prevent myself from fainting. He noticed me being nervous, and a dimpled smirk appeared again. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you" he said. "I'm Harry." he added. 'Harry'. I still was letting the name melt on my tongue, as...

"Give me your phone." he instructed me. "What?" I inhaled sharply. "Give me your phone or I'm going to get it myself" he repeated, intense stare on me. Cowed, I pulled out my phone, handing it to him. He took it, unlocking it and typing something. Then I realised he was sending a text with my number to his phone. My blue eyes widened, trying to steal a look onto the display, but he was already finished, slinging his other arm around my back, sliding the phone into the bumpocket of my jeans. He gave me a cheeky slap on my bottom, before releasing me from his embrace. 

Suddenly I felt could again, without Harry holding me tight, and if I couldn't have controlled myself, I would've pushed back against him, wanting to feel his warm, soothing, and soft skin against mine. 

Harry smiled at me and I couldn't help myself, but smile back.

Suddenly I was roughly pulled back to reality as the bus stopped harshly and I saw my best friend Lilly standing at the busstop, obviously waiting for me. 

I had to leave, eventhough I rather would have stayed here with Harry. "I have to go now" I said, probably looking somehow sad, cause Harry took my hand, saying "No worries, babe, You've got my number and I would be very happy to hear from you soon." I shyly nodded, hugging him goodbye, then when the doors opened, jumping out, leaving him with a whole crowd of passengers, who were perplexed following me with their eyes. 

I happily greated Lilly, and as we walked away I said "You won't believe what just happened to me, I think this could take a bit longer to explain..." 

Hi guys, I hope you liked the first part of my story :) please leave a comment. I can only upload about once a week, becaus i've got alot going on in school right now :( but i'll try my best, to update as fast as i can! :) 

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