Part 2

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"...and he has these freaking gorgeous green orbs that just shine like a big, bright, beautiful emerald." I finished my detailed explanation of Harry. Lilly and I were sitting on her bed, had just opened the 3rd bag of potato chips and she was listening curiously to me. I had given her an two hour excursion of Harrys beautiful body, letting every little part of his tanned torso run through my mind. It's really hard for me, to not completly freak out over him...but there was this one short, almost not noticible moment of agression, when he wanted my phone...and that terrified me a bit.

"So let me sum him up now" Lilly interrupted my thoughts. "Brown and shiny curls, styled up into a quiff, apparently beautiful green eyes and the fullest lips you have ever seen, and when he smiles, he shows deep dimples. He's very tall, wide shoulders, sixpack, many tattoos and tanned. Legs like a topmodel, hands as large as plates and very muscular arms? How in Jesus name did you get to someone like him??" she asked me baffled, with her eyes wide open. "Just be as clumsy as I am and fall while standing in a bus, and if you're lucky, somebody like him will catch you..." I replied with a wink, the first time in my life, not hating myself for being clumsy. "You really have to show him to me one day!!!!" Lilly begged. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't " I teased her. 

It had gotten quite late and I had to go home, so we went to the busstop, waiting for the bus to come. When it came, we said goodbye, and I got on, sat down and drove home. During the whole ride, I had a feeling, that someone was staring at me, but I couldn't find out who it was. So I just tried to ignore this anxious feeling that was creeping through my body, the longer I was just sitting here. I was glad when the bus finally held, and I could jump out, walking home with a fast pace, still feeling under observation of something dangerous. 

When I finally got home, I panically slammed the door, racing up to my room, locking the door, pulling my curtains shut, jumping in my bed and tugging the covers over my head. I had no idea, why I was so terrified, but it must have a reason. I was shivering, as I heard my phone buzz, a message from Lilly, asking me, if I got home save. I texted her back, saying that everything had gone fine. "Liar" I said out loud to myself. But I didn't want to make her scared, so I didn't tell her the truth. 

I peered from under my safe hideaway, glimpsing around, if anything terrifying was in my room, but this was not the case, and I scold myself for being so scared of everything. 

So I finally got up and went into the bathroom, getting ready for bed. As I came back into my room, I had another text, but this time from Harry. My heart jumped a bit, when I read his name. 

"Goodnight clumsy. Sweet dreams!! - Harry  xx."

And again, in just a couple of hours, he got me in shock rigid again. But it didn't last long and I trembled a bit, while slowly texting him back...

"Goodnight. And thank you again for saving me from a large embarrassment ;) - Emma"

'Send'. I did it. Satisfied with myself, I layed my phone down beside me and slowly fell asleep. 

Hii :) Thank you for reading and please leave a comment. Again I'm really sorry, I can't update more often, I have so much to do for school -.- and I'm already struggeling to write one part per week, but I'm trying my best. :) 

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