Midnight Giggles // Part 2 ~

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Midnight Giggles // Part 2 ~

As Robert lay snuggled up against Aaron's side, eyes wide awake, he thought about earlier tonight, both of them had said their goodnights followed by multiple kisses like usual, but Robert only had one thought on his mind tonight at 12:00 in the morning.


He smiles widely at last nights occurrences, as Aaron tickled him for minutes that felt like beautiful hours.

The thought of his revenge crosses his mind without any hesitation and even though Robert enjoyed last night, he thought Aaron deserves the same. Whether it was enjoyment or revenge, a smile tugs at Robert's lips at the thought of it.

As Robert looks down he could see Aaron in the dim light lying peacefully with his eyes closed; arms around Robert's stomach.

Robert feels a twinge of hesitation cross himself and the next move he was going to make. He wasn't cruel enough to disturb his peaceful boyfriend, was he?

As he thought about it, he wasn't. But the opportunity of revenge and enjoyment was too hard to miss.

Robert glances down onto his boyfriend's face one last time before a smirk makes it's way onto his face at the thoughts running through his mind.

He laces one arm softly around Aaron's body and at the same time with his other hand, lifts up the hem of his t-shirt before edging his other hand up Aaron's stomach before stroking his hand across Aaron's stomach affectionately.

Aaron sighs in contentment before cuddling further into Robert's side.

Robert smiles at the adorable man beside him, he smiles so much he nearly re-thinks his plans again of disturbing the man but everything in his body tells him to carry on and enjoy the moments he'll have doing this.

Robert glides his hand across his boyfriend's stomach before picking up the pace and digging his fingers lightly into the man's stomach.

Aaron's eyebrows knot together in confusion before his eyes open wide, "Rob, what are ya doi-" His unfinished sentence is left hanging as a laugh escapes his mouth.

Robert smiles before running his hands along Aaron's stomach, gaining contentment as he touches along Aaron's beautiful body.

Robert leans over and kisses Aaron's stomach muscles as they shake from the laughs escaping Aaron's mouth.

Aaron laughs loudly with bright eyes before he chokes out in fits of giggles, "Y'know it's lucky I love ya or you'll be getting a good telling off for waking me up!"

"Ooh." Robert says, erotically.

"Shut up!" Aaron says, jokingly, before giggling as Robert starts squeezing gently on Aaron's sides.

With one quick movement, Robert clicks the bed-side lamp light on with one hand whilst with his other hand he runs his fingers down Aaron's side, making him squirm.

"Is this payback for yesterday?" Aaron asks, breathlessly.

"It might be" Robert smirks mischievously before leaning over and placing his head into the crook of Aaron's neck before placing kisses up his neck before kissing along his jawline.

Aaron groans before saying, "Well it sure as hell doesn't feel like it."

Aaron throws his head back so Robert could get more access, but this was a wrong move for Aaron, as Robert took the opportunity to start digging his fingers into Aaron's neckline softly.

"I spoke too soon" Aaron murmurs before laughing, happy tears trickling down his cheeks.

Robert giggles back, before wiping softly across Aaron's face and drying all the damp tears. Robert smiles at the man below him; Aaron smiles back, with red cheeks and bright eyes, before biting his lip lightly.

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