chapter twenty-six

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After a couple days of resting, you finally convince Hiro that you're strong enough to get to Fred's. He is reluctant, you can tell, but he doesn't argue with you. He packs up your things and helps you out of the van.

When you stand up on the pavement of the garage, you fall right back down. Hiro gasps and catches you, pulling you up until you're sitting on the edge of the van carpet. You wince and grab at your ankle. "I-I think I sprained it or something," you tell him. "It's been sore, but I didn't think that it was this bad."

"It's okay," Hiro says. "Maybe we should try to get one of these cars to start."

Your eyes widen. You've thought about it before, but not only do cars attract the creepers, but you also have no idea on how to drive. "I don't have my license. Do you?"

He laughs and waves his hand dismissively. "Ha! No. No, I do not. But the cops aren't around to arrest us and I'm pretty sure that I know how this works."

"But you'll wreck the car," you tell him.

"We'll take our chances." He pats your leg and says, "Wait here." He pauses before handing you a gun and kissing the top of your hand. "I'll find something for us to drive."

"Okay," you say with a sigh. Hiro smiles before walking across the garage.

You wait patiently, cleaning your knife as you do so. It's caked in blood from the creepers. Flashes of memories flood your brain. Running around the shelves of the gas station, hearing bottles and cans clash to the ground as the group of dead carelessly plow towards you, grabbing that one that you had in front of you and dragging your knife across his chest... letting his blood splash over your clothes... watching the creepers search for you as you take him out one by one, using that drained creeper as a shield. You shudder and focus back on the present. You're completely disgusted that you're still covered, too. Hiro promised that you'd be able to get washed up at Fred's today.

"Ha, ha!" you hear him cheer.

You look up and see him hop into a small red car. After a few seconds, he swings the car out, hitting the back of a van. You jump and cover your eyes. "Hiro, please be careful-!" you whisper.

"Check it out, ___!" he calls as he pulls up in front of the van. He hops out and grins. "And minimal damage, thank you very much." He bows.

You roll your eyes and hop down. Balancing on one foot, you put your backpack on. Hiro walks over to you and scoops you up into his arms. "You're getting cocky today, Hiro Hamada."

"Am I?" he asks with a smirk. "Sorry, princess, but I'm just in a very, very good mood." He chuckles and kisses your cheek. "Really though, I'm glad that you're okay and here with me."

You smile lovingly at him. "I'm glad, too."

Hiro helps you into the passenger side and then grabs Baymax. He tosses him into the back of the car. "I'm should probably let him check out your ankle-"

"Save his battery for fixing the world, okay? Really, you don't know if Fred will have electricity."

"True," Hiro says, settling into the driver's seat. "I'm just worried about you. Are you in pain?"

"I'm fine," you say, putting your seat belt on. "Don't worry about me."

Hiro nods. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," you respond, bracing yourself against the door of the car. He laughs at you as he starts up the car and slams on the pedal. You gasp and hit his arm. "Don't go that fast!"

He ignores you, zooming out of the garage and turning quickly onto the road. The creepers turn towards the squeaking noise of the tires. Finally, Hiro slows down as he gets used to the wheel. You let a shaky breath out and close your eyes. "Did that scare you?"

"H-Hiro, I get it if you're an adrenaline junkie or something, but I'm not. Please don't do that every again." You swallow thickly and raise your shaking hand to brush sweat away from your forehead.

"Sorry, princess." He takes your hand in his. "I put the map in the front pocket of your bag. Can you get it out and tell me which way I'm supposed to go?"

With your free hand, you dig around in your backpack until you find the folded square of paper. You unfold it and let your eyes trace across the paper. "Um... turn left off of Fifth Street."

"Got it," he says.

"And keep going until the first turn on the right. Take that, and then we're back on track." You fold the map and put it away. Hiro silently follows the directions. "Hey, when we get to Fred's... who's all going to be there?"

"I think the entire gang. Fred, Honey Lemon, Go Go, Wasabi... probably Fred's butler and his parents, too. They were all Tadashi's friends." He smiles sadly, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

You look down and bite at your lip. "Do you think that they'll let me live there?"

"No doubt," Hiro answers. "Fred is a great and giving guy. When you see him, you'll be shocked that the dude is a millionaire. Seriously though, if you're with me, they'll trust you. Besides, I couldn't leave you behind." He squeezes your hand and grins.

"It's silly for me to think that they might not accept me, but..."

"They'll accept you, I promise." He raises your hand to his lips and leaves a kiss on your wrist. You smile and relax in your seat, nervously dreaming about what it'll be like to have a group of people in the same house as you. You've been with just Hiro for so long. Even time with Tadashi seems like a lifetime away. But if Hiro sticks by your side, there's nothing that could go wrong.

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