Chapter I

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Hello my lovelies. So I know I went AWOL for a while. So I hope this chapter makes up for it.
Also thank you so much for getting me to 1K reads. :')
Douglas Booth - Everett
Here's the chapter.


"Are you going to get that?" The girl asked Everett, annoyance clear on her face.
Everett wanted to avoid Ariel for as long as possible. He had already sent her calls to voicemail, thrice but she didn't seem to be getting the message.
Of all the times she could've pestered him, she chose now, when he was seemingly busy making another decision that was going to bite him in the ass later.
The girl huffed a sigh and got off the bed to put on her clothes. Everett didn't want her to leave, he wrapped his arms around her waist and started placing kisses along her neck, she gave in, almost before slightly pushing him away.
"I know it was your baby mamma, I don't want to get in trouble with her, again." She smirked at him before strutting out of the door, leaving him frustrated and annoyed.
Just then his standard EDM ringtone blared again, Ariel wouldn't stop and he decided to give her a piece of his mind.
"What do you want Ariel?" He hissed after picking up the phone. She said nothing but he could hear her sniffles, her soft cries coming through the line.
"Ariel, love what's wrong?" His voice lost the edge it had previously.
"She-she won't stop crying Ev. There's something wrong with her, I know it. I need to take her to the Emergency Room but my parents took the cars and I-I don't know what to do," she burst into tears.
"Okay. I'm coming over to take you both to the hospital. I'll be there in five minutes." He rushed and put on his clothes in a hurry and was out of the door with his keys within the next minute.
He was at Ariel's house in four minutes flat, speed limits had never really been his concern.
He knocked at the door impatiently and heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
Ariel opened the door, she looked exhausted, there were dark bags under her eyes and her clothes looked creased and her hair was up in a messy bun. She was rocking Alaska in her arms, the baby looked exhausted. Her face was red from all the crying and her blue eyes were filled with tears.

 Her face was red from all the crying and her blue eyes were filled with tears

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As soon as she saw Everett, her hand reached out to him. Everett took her in his arms and rubbed her back. "Shhh baby. It's okay. You're going to be okay," he cooed at her.
He carried her to his car and place her in the carseat in the passenger seat of the SUV. Ariel took the bag with the baby's stuff and he drove them to the hospital.
The ER was relatively unoccupied when they walked in and a nurse reached them right away. Faith gave him the name of the paediatrician, Dr. Alridge and they were told that the doctor would see them right away.
Alaska's cries had been reduced to whimpers and she was looking around curiously at her new surroundings.

The doctor was a middle aged woman with a welcoming smile. "Hi little Alaska. You've grown quite a bit, haven't you?" She cooed at the baby.
"When did she start crying?" She asked Ariel, gently taking baby Alaska from her and placed her on the bed. She used her stethoscope to check her breathing and then placed her on the scale.
"She's been crying since morning and she wouldn't stop, I fed her, changed her diaper, nothing worked." Ariel said, worriedly.
The doctor noted down her weight and then gave the baby to Everett who started rubbing her back soothingly.
"Little Alaska here is a colicky baby. She'll be okay. I'm prescribing you some anti-gas bubble medicine that I want you to give her for three days, twice. She's going to be okay." The doctor informed the worried parents.
"You'll need to get her check up done in two weeks so I'll see you then." Ariel thanked the doctor and they left the hospital.
The car ride was a relatively short one but it was filled with an uncomfortable silence.
"Why weren't you picking up my calls?" Ariel asked Everett.
"I-I was umm busy," Everett didn't meet her gaze and she knew he was hiding something.
Everett's phone which was placed on dashboard pinged with a text.
Ariel snatched his phone up before he could.
"We're gonna have to reschedule baby. ;)
-Aimery xx."
Ariel read the text out loud. Everett looked guilty and that made her angrier.
"Is that the reason why you weren't picking up my calls? Because you were 'busy' with her?" She seethed.
"I finally understand your priorities. I won't bother you anymore." She got out of the the car and slammed the passenger door shut.
She took the baby out of her car seat and walked up the driveway and slammed her front door shut.
Everett sat in his car, wondering what he was going to do to make up for his mistakes. He berated himself for not listening to his gut feeling.

I hope y'all like this chapter.
Vote.Fan. Comment
A. xx.

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