chapter four-The ritual

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"Skin to skin , blood and blood."Tanner carefully cut my other wrist adn i cut his ,and we pressed them together.It stung then it was warm and inviting.We contiuned.

"Bonded together,from now on and forever,Let out love be stong ,and our raing be long.We seel this bond with a kiss ,that no one can miss." at that momenet we both leaned in ,tilted out heads and bit down on eachother.His blood was tangy and metalic like but then sweet and it tasted really really good.I let go and grabed his shoulder as he contunied to suck on my blood.Weird i know but it felt amazing ,with just a tiny amuont of pain.My eye lids felt like they weghied a ton.Tanner finally let go and held me in his arms.He then wispered ion my ear.His warm breath and body soothing me into sleep.

"Now you cant fight or try to run my firey little mate."I was stuned by his words but i just fell asllep in his arms .I awoke at dawn in a room i was unfirmillare with.The smell was diffrent than my home.My eyes dielated.I know where im at.This room smelled like tanner .It was his room,His very large comfty bed with black shhets with red gold trim.A large balcony with glass doors and Dark blood red curtains.A dresser with male deoterent a comb.And two doors.ONe was open ,it was a large bathroom ,with a shower and a teo sink counter and a toulet.With the same black and red colors.I opened the other door ro see a large walk ic closet .Only With one complete side full of women clothes adn shoes on the racks.Bras and under wear.The other side was tanner clothes ,i presumed .But di dh have a woman staying with him.I groweld at that thought.Of course he did he was a grown man ,but my mate .At that moment i senseed someone was in the hall coming my direction i hoped back in bed,under the covers and colsed my eyes and colmed my thougthts.The door opend and that sweet musky sent of one hundred percent hunk of o hottie filled my nose.He cloed the door and sat on the bed .i had my back turned to him.He had a stained of my hair in a twisted curl on his finger playin g with it.He sighed and began to talk.

"I know im not the greatest and most loving and caring guy ,but i love you with all my heart jade.I will give my life to see you happy.I will protect you as long as i live.I hope you will be happy hear>i know i can be stubor sometimes but i have a caring heart,i just cant love you the way i want to so god damn much.I will hurt you ,and i cant do that i wouold never forgive myself.Please ...please understand why i cant love you thaat way.But just know that i do love you and i alwyas will." 

His words filled my heart wiht hope,but also with sorrow.Why could he not love me.I love him.He could surly not hurt me.I just sat there .Quiet and still.He leaned down and kissed my cheek.and his nose ran um the side of my face as his arms wraped around me.His wisper sent shivers down my body.

"I know you awake my dear,"I turned in his arms to face him .Tears where coming down his face.I reached up and wiped them away.

"why are you crying?"

"I -I cant love you ,im so sorry."

"But you said you loved me?Didnt you mean it?"

"Yes with all my heart."

"Then why cant you love me Tanner?"

"I will hurt you ,and then i would have to kill myself for making you have pain."

"Tanner ...."

My wisper made him groan .I snuggled closer .His warmth and sent embracing me.Then i remeber the closet.

"Whose close are those in the closet?"

"You were snuping "

"Awnwer me tanner"

"Whose do you think they are?"\

"One of your lovers clothes."I said it coldly ,tears began to fill my eyes,i wiped them away.

"No ,no lover of mine has slept in my bed ,or even had clothes in there."

"Then whose are they ?"

"Comon guess"he thought it was a game i was outraged.I climbed out of hi sarms and out of bed .i slamed the door shut behinde me and stomped down the hall way.Down two flights of stairs into a very large living room ,to its left was a huge kitchen with tow woman standing and four childern playing.AS soon as the childern saw me tey where on my legs ,pulling at my dress and jumping at me.I picked two up ,a little blonde girl and a brown hairs boy both looked to be about 4.The girl played with my dark curls as the boy played with my hand.I herd tanner comin gdown the stairs so i out the childern down.

"Our conversation wasnt over."He said

"It was to me ."i bent down and started tickling the kids and blowing on there bellies.They laughed and giggled.Tanner watched Standing over us.

"Jade ,plaese listen to me ."

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