Chapter 3: ( i think)Whatever chapter this is

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A girl was sad and lonely. She had friends, but she didn't hang out with them because she didn't belong. She likes this guy, but she doesn't know if he likes her back or not. You could call her a stalker, because she always watched him and knew all his classes. She knew all his habits and followed him almost everywhere. When her mom picked her up, she would make her drive slow and follow him so she could find out where he lived. She knew almost everything about him. One day he found out that she was stalking him and walked a different way home. Since she was walking home that day, she followed him. He walked into an alley and hid behind a dumpster. Soon after, she came. She didn't see him and got worried. She sat in front of the dumpster and cried. She thought that he was gone forever, and she didn't know her way back home. He went in front of her, and asked why she was stalking him.
"I just want to make sure that you are ok and not on drugs or anything." she said to him.

"Why would you care about me? I barely know who you are.", he said which made her cry harder.
"Because........ I love you.", she said as she was starting to choke on her tears. She kept choking, and couldn't breathe. He tried to help, but she wouldn't let him. She died a few seconds later. He stared in horror as it was partially his fault that she was dead. She died in his arms, but it felt strange to him that a girl he barely knew died and it was his fault. He started to cry and grabbed her scarf and used it to suffocate himself since he didn't want to feel the guilt of killing someone. He died a few seconds after.

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