Chapter 4:Woods

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One day a group of friends wanted to hang out. They met up at Emily's house.
"Ok everybody today is the first day of Summer and everybody has nothing to do. What do you guys want to do?" , Emily asked. Nobody answered for a minute.

" Ooh! Ooh! We could take a hike in the woods! ", Skyler exclaimed.

" Yah! That's a great idea! Go to the woods where on the news a person got murdered and die! Yah lets go be murderers or get murdered! That's a great idea!", Ryan said with as much sarcasm as he could muster. The problem was, nobody listened to him because what he often said wasn't true.

" Ok! Let's go! ", said Ariana enthusiastically.

" We're going to get killed. We're going to get killed." , Ryan repeatedly muttered to himself. So they went on their way. It was getting dark by the time they arrived there.

" See? It's getting dark. We should go back.", said Ryan.

"Come on you scaredy cat! Let's go!", said Skyler excitedly as she ran into the woods.

" Wait! Come back!", yelled Emily as she ran into the woods after her.

"Oh, Ok we'll catch up with you......later.", Ariana called.

"Well, I think we will just wait in the car for them to come back.", Ryan said to Ariana.

"Ok. I don't want to be out in these woods anyway.", Ariana said uncertainly.

Ryan read her mind. "They'll be fine. After all, they are Skyler and Emily."

"Yeah, I guess. I just hope they'll be all right.", said Ariana.

So they went back to the car. It was night by this time.


Meanwhile, Skyler and Emily were chasing each other in the woods.

" Ok, let's stop. I'm tired.", Skyler said to Emily.

"Yeah, ok." So they collapsed on the ground. After a few minutes Emily broke the silence.

"Where are the others?" They got up and looked around. "Do you remember them chasing us?", Emily asked Skyler.

"No, I just remember running here.................Do you know the way back out?", Skyler asked.


"Maybe Ryan was right for once. Maybe we shouldn't have come here and now there is a serial killer on the loose just waiting to kill us. This was all my fault." Skyler said, as she collapsed on the grass.

"No, it's my fault. I wanted us to do something." Emily said as she too, collapsed on the grass.

" Well, might as well build a shelter for us to stay in instead of us feeling sorry for ourselves.", said Skyler. So they went and tried to gather wood, but they could only gather sticks because they didn't bring an ax. But, they didn't notice the ax murderer watching them from behind a redwood tree. 

They  were  tired by now,, and collapsed  on the  grass.  They quickly fell asleep. The  ax  murderer came and scalped them.  They  died  without  saying a single  word.  The ax murderer overheard them earlier talking about "others". He went to try and find them.
Ryan and Ariana were still in the car.
"How about I keep watch for them, and you go to sleep since it's at least 12 at night by now. ", Ryan said to Ariana.
"Well, I want to keep watch for them too you know."
"Yeah, but you look tired as hell."
Ok, but if they come back, then you wake me up."
So Ariana went to sleep. Ryan thought to himself, maybe it would be better if they didn't come back. If they didn't come back, then maybe people would listen to me. Then they would know to trust me. Then, out of nowhere, a ax flew and hit the window. Ryan screamed, which woke up Ariana, which startled her and made her scream. Then, the murderer came out and grabbed his ax and broke through the broken window and killed them with the glass shards and his ax. Blood spilled everywhere in the car. The ax murderer silently wiped off his ax with Ryan's shirt, and slipped into the woods, waiting for his next victim.

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