Chapter 1- Hell Has Risen

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Hello guys! So I have taken it upon myself to start this book.

I'm DEFINITELY not updating regularly because my main focus is ' I Thought I Knew '. If you haven't checked it out, go do that nowwww.

Anyways there IS abusive content in this book so DON'T read it if you're not comfortable with that kind of stuff. However, it will be a well written book so please give it a try (:

Okay enjoy!



Chapter 1- Hell has risen

Today's the day. Back to school for my senior year. I use to look forward to going to school, but that was back in middle school.
Ever since my parents started hating me, I've dreaded going to school. Usually people going through situations like me like to go to school to escape their home life. Not me. For me, I get picked on at school. You'd think that being in high school people would grow up and stop judging. Not at RidgeView, the school made for all girls. That's the problem though. The school is only girls, and if you're not pretty or skinny enough, or have money, you're a nobody. I'm that nobody.

I sigh as I run my fingers through my greasy hair. The fact that I can only wash my hair once a week sucks. I know that's disgusting, but the little amount of money I get at my job barely pays for anything. So, I have to conserve what I have for a couple months. It doesn't help that my parents know that I work and take my money every time I return home on pay day.

I pull my hair into a bun, and throw on a hoodie and dirty jeans that are too big on me.

I grab my rucksack from the concrete floor and throw it over my shoulder.

Usually, I'm the first one awake and am out of the house before my parents wake up. But not today. Of course when I take the last step towards the door, my dad screams my name. I turn around and see all the glass beer bottles shattered on the floor, wet stains from him throwing them at the wall,
I'm scared.

He staggers over to me, and takes my wrist in his large hand.

"And where do you think you're going, princess?"

The alcohol on his breath makes my face scrunch up in disgust. And the name that he calls me almost makes my eyes water with despondency. He use to call me that before everything went bad, but now it's like he's taunting me.

I can hear my mom laughing callously in the background. The sounds drown out as my dad grips my shoulders tightly, most likely going to leave a bruise, and throws me against the railing of the stairs, making me hit my back, causing excruciating pain. I fall back and almost scream, but stop because that's what he thrives on.

He laughs a laugh just like my mother. I shrink back, getting ready to run out the door, but his words stop me.

"He would have turned out better then you."
He stops and brings his hand to rub the beard on his face. He never shaves due to the money he wastes on alcohol. He points a dirty finger at me, " It's all your fault! You fucked up Avery and nobody will ever love you for it." His words almost bring me to tears because I know it's true. If any one found out what I did, they would never talk to me again, they'd never love me either. They would see what kind of a monster I really am. "Get the fuck out of my house before I hit you!" I hesitate for a moment until he takes a step forward and is about raise his hand.

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