#4 summer secrets

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Rosalie's POV

Last day of

school! I jumped out of bed and put on my red Hollister dress with black flats. Then I curled my hair.

I grabbed my bag and was out the door! I said tearful goodbyes to my friends and teachers. I surprisingly had a great day.

I knew it would end though. I was pretty sure mckenzie and Blake would make my life miserable. But i never knew why they did it.

I stood by the school gates preparing for whatever they would do to me. Then they came forward. I tried hiding my scared expression but in all honesty I was terrified. I saw Blake's fist heading for my face. I was waiting for the force to knock me down but it didn't. I opened my eyes to see Niall glaring at mckenzie and Blake. They ran away but I stood there shaking. Niall noticed my expression and gave me a big hug, stroking my hair. And whispering "it's ok". In my ear. We got into his car, I knew he wanted an explanation. I turned toward him and said

"So I'm guessing you want to know

"I do". He said

"Ever since the beginning of the year these two people named Blake and mckenzie bullied me. I used to have a really big crush on Blake so I guess they wanted revenge on me. For the past few weeks Louis has tried to come to pick me up. He knew about everything please don't tell harry!

He gave me a sympathetic smile and said "I won't tell I promise".

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him sideways so he could drive.

"How did you come and stop the fight?.

"Louis told me to pick you up". He smiled and pulled up to the house.

I kissed his cheek and walked inside.

Harry ran up to me with his arms wide open. Pulling me into a hug. "HAPPY "SUMMER!!!! He yelled.


I walked upstairs to my room. I plopped down on my bed and sighed. I really got lucky today, but what about next year will they still hurt me. Louis opened my bed room door and ran around my room with a cape saying "I AM SUPERMAN!!!!! I rolled over in laughter. After he was done he sat next to me and hugged me. "I promise I will always protect you,that's why I had Niall pick you up".

"Thanks". I said smiling.

He left my room and Liam came in after him. He plopped down on my bed with me. Liam was always the smart one of the group I knew he was trying to read me, I knew he knew there was something wrong.

Liam's POV

I knew something was going on. Rosalie was always a hard person to read, so I'm just going to ask her. It makes no sense! Why is Louis so persistent in all of us picking up Rosie from school I don't understand.

Right now she was looking down. I took my finger and lifted up her chin.

"I need to know what's wrong because I know there is something wrong".

"I knew you would know". She mutters

"If you tell me your secrets i promise I will do anything to make your life better

She sighed. She looked into my eyes. Her eyes were so deep and dark. Looking into her eyes I saw sadness, fear, and pain

"Your in pain!

"Yup.everyday from the beginning of the year these kids beat me up, there used to be 4 of them but 2 left now there's only 2. One time they left me bleeding my cousin max had to take me to the hospital. That's my first secret.

I was so shocked I knew what it was like to be bullied but I hated to see her in pain.

I motioned for her to continue

"I'm really emotional, I never really got over not having my parents growing up with me. I always felt ugly and insecure so

My eyes brimmed with tears just thinking about how much pain she was In.

She continued.

"My other secret is I love singing,acting and dancing its been my life since I was born. I write songs to. I never told anyone except for my parents and my aunt and uncle. I play more then 7 different instruments. Please don't tell harry! .

I was so impressed with her talents. It was amazing

"You are very talented maybe we should tell the other guys so you don't have to keep it a secret I promise no one will tell harry.


. I called Louis, Niall, and Zayn into Rosie's room. She repeated everything she told me. I watched the boys expressions changed from sad, to sympathetic, to impressed by her many talents. We all promised not to tell harry. Eventually she told Gemma. Now all 5 of us knew. Except for one........harry.

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