Finding Azrael Chapter 1 Accadently Damned

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  • Dedicated to Tripp Bishop

Joushua said good bye to his father as he got out of the black escalade. Another monday meant gym class and biology. He wasnt the best of kids and was lucky to hold a C average. his dad tooted his horn as he let his younger twin sisters Sara and Faith out at the elementary a block away. Joshuas friend greted him with a playfull gut punch and they disapeared into the school.

    "God those boys look like me, thank god they act like there mom." he told himself as he headed onto I70 into the end of rush hour traffic.

    To Ezra it seemed like yesterday he was buckling the boys Joshua and Dean into there carseats and taking them to work with him at the towing company he owned. Now they were almost in high school, pimple faced, prepubecent horn dogs. he laughed and merged onto I 670 that would take him all the way into greenbriar ware his shop was. Just as he began o cross over the bridge that looped over I 70 he looked up only to see a semi ver around a schoolbus and head straight for him. He slammed on the brakes just as the grill of the T2000 kenworth plowed into the drivers door shoving the escalade over the bridge and onto I 70 below. The last thing Ezra thought of while he was still alive was.

       "At least he didnt take the kids out in the school bus."

      Seconds later Ezra was standing on the I670 bridge beside the State Trooper looking over the edge at the demolished escalade ware his body still laid in the wreckage uncovered. He looked at the Trooper as his radio sqwaked to life.

       "We contacted Threeskulls towing, there on there way to pick up the semi and the escalade, over." the dispatcher said over the radio.

         "Did you say Threeskulls Towing another Trooper said into a radio as he walked up. Ezra recognized the voice. It was his neighbor Ted that had th efarm that joined his.

         "Ted you cant let them come get either truck man ! my father and father-in law are working roll back today!" he shouted stepping in front of Ted.

           "Cancel Threeskulls Towing the man involved in this accident is the owner. His family doesnt need this on top of what they dont know yet." Ted said into the radio.

          It was too late, The GMC roll back pulled up along side the semi to talk to the Trooper and Ted. Ezra's employee Gary haze got out and walked over to look at the other vehicle. In a second he ran back to the roll back and got on the c.b.

             "Hey gramps and Erick, Go ahead and turn back they got there ducks crossed, Jays is out here." Gary said into the radio his voice cracking and geting weak with sarrow.

              "10-4 Gary, Ezra should be there to fix that peterbuilt any way." Ezra's father in law said into the c.b.

               Gary couldnt say nothing back to them he just threw the receiver on the dash and wipped his face off.

              "Hey Ted, do me a favor and let me tow that escalade off, there gonna want it any way. Ill take it over behind the old packing place and park it inside the ware house untill there ready." Gary said wringing his hat in his hands.

                "You know your right Gary. Your a good man !" Ezra said trying to lay a hand on his back but couldnt. 

             Ezra stood beside Gary as they watched his body removed from the wreck and put onto a stretcher. Gary loaded the wrecked escalade onto the roll back and turned his beacon lights on as he towed it to ware he said he was. As he drove people pointed and leaned closer to each other to comment about the wrecked escalade that had Threeskulls Towing painted on each side and the hood being towed by a Threeskulls Rollback.

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