Chapter 3

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Oh. My. Fricking. God.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Random articles of clothing littered the hardwood floor, turned inside-out from being hastily shrugged off. Jesse was slightly hovering over a girl's lithe body as they kissed passionately. He was clothed in only his navy Calvin Klein boxers while she was in her scanty bra and panties. It was then that I realized the girl was Abby. Abbigail Lorraine Matthews, my best friend. As I watched in horror, Jesse's hands moved up to unclasp Abby's pale teal bra while her hands roamed down to his boxers. Oh, God. I was going to puke. A shrill scream ripped it's way out of my throat, echoing harshly around the bedroom. Jesse and Abby broke apart, panting. When they saw me visibly shaking in the doorway, the both lunged for their clothes.

"Jinx!" Jesse shouted. "Wait!"

"Jinx, it's not what it looks like!" Abby squealed, yanking her coral button-down top over her head at the speed of light.

"Oh, yeah? It sure as hell looked like something to me!" I seethed before whirling away and darting out of the room.

Tears rushed to my eyes and gushed down my flushed cheeks. I didn't bother to wipe them away. Who was there to impress anymore? As they streamed out and ruined my makeup, I raced down the stairs, fumbling for my Blackberry in the little clutch purse. People were openly staring at me, sometimes chuckling as I tore by them. I sprinted out of the house with my cell pressed to one ear. The number rang and rang before finally picking up.

"Jinx?" my mom's voice asked, pouring over me like a soothing wave.

"Mom," I sniveled pathetically. "Can you come pick me up?"

"Sure, baby. But why? What happened?" she questioned, concerned.

"it's just that... Jesse cheated on me. With Abby," I told her and surrendered myself to a fresh onslaught of tears.

"Jesse and Abby? Why would she do something like that to you?" Mom snapped. 

"I don't know, but can you hurry? I don't wanna be here any longer than I have to," I sniffled.

"Okay, baby. I'm on my way right now."

Then, the line went dead and the dial tone buzzed in my ear like an angry wasp. I choked down another river of tears and plopped down on the front step, the open front door casting a brilliant golden glow over my hunched body. That wouldn't work. I was too vulnerable out in the light. Shoving my Blackberry back into the clutch purse, I stood, a little wobbly, and stumbled down the steps in my stilettos. Damn shoes. Angrily, I kicked them off before scooping them up into my arms and padding barefoot down the car-choked driveway. It was then that hurried footsteps rang out behind me like booming gunshots.

God, what now? After everything that had just happened, I was definitely not in the mood for anyone's bullshit. 

"Jinx!" Abby yelled.

Ugh. Go away, you gross slut-bag.

"Wait up!" Jesse called.

God! You go, too, you nasty man-whore.

"Leave me alone," I deadpanned, continuing my Stomp of Shame to the end of the driveway.

"No! Look, what we did was wrong and we know that," Abby wheezed as she caught up to me.

"Yeah," Jesse agreed, slowing to a walk on my other side.

Goodie. I was surrounded.

"Oh, right. It was such an 'accident' how you two snuck up to Jesse's bedroom, your clothes magically jumped off your bodies, and some evil villian forced you to practically swallow each other whole," I spat sarcastically. "Just go away. Both of you are totally disgusting and it burns my eyes to even look at you."

"Jinx!" Abby gasped.

"Shut up, Abby!" I screeched and took off, my stilettos bumping around in my arms. This time, no footsteps pounded after me. 

Thank God.

With my breath wheezing in and out of my lungs, I staggered to a halt about fifty yards away from Jesse's enormous house. From where I stood, it looked like a miniature sun, pouring brilliant golden light into the velvety darkness around it. It was beautiful and hideous at the same time. Suddenly, a torrent of tears began pouring from my eyes and I slumped to the gravel on the side of the highway, a horrible sob racking my body. Oh, no. It literally felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest and plop out onto my cold hands, which were curled up on my lap.

 Sniveling pathetically, I stretched out on the bumpy rocks that clustered the roadside and gazed up at the stars. They gleamed pewter against the dark background of the midnight blue sky, twinkling high up next to a gorgeous silver full moon. A slight breeze whistled through the air and caused chill bumps to ripple across my exposed arms. My hair was a snarled mess around my face and my mascara was smeared under my eyes, which most likely made me look like a freakish raccoon. How great was that? Totally awesome.


A loud ringing erupted throughout the quiet night. My eyes abruptly flew open and took in my surroundings, blinking rapidly at the unfamiliar images. That was when I realized that I had fallen asleep on the side of the highway, only to be woken by my blaring cell phone. Quickly, I fumbled for my Blackberry in the small golden clutch purse by my side and fished it out. The time blinked up in the corner and proclaimed it to be nearly midnight as an unknown number continued to flash on the screen. Wait. What was I doing out here by myself anyway? Sighing heavily, I answered the call.


"Is this Jinx Keller?" a feminine soprano voice instantly asked.

"Um, yes. Who's calling?" I replied, sitting up and rubbing at my bloodshot eyes.

"This is the Los Angeles police, darling. Where are you?" she responded worriedly. 

The police? Did I do something wrong? Was that why I was stranded out here? Then, reality came crashing down. Abby. Jesse. Kissing. Oh, God. I remembered it all. 

Tears began clouding my eyes. "I'm on the side of the road in Cheviot Hills. Why? What's wrong?"

"Cheviot Hills? Jinx, why are you there? Are you hurt?" she interrogated.

"No, no. I was at a party here, but I'm fine. But please tell me. Why are you calling me? I didn't do anything wrong!" I wailed, the tears finally spilling over and gushing down my cheeks.

"Oh, I know, darling. But... it's your mother. She was in a serious car accident two hours ago. Jinx, she... she didn't make it," the woman told me quietly.

Something in my chest seemed to crumble into pieces at her soft words. Deep black spots floated across my field of vision and then, I passed out.  

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