chapter three Picture of Jase ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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  ​​​​​​​After i saw my brothers standing there looking furious and angry, church meeting was hold by Jase. through the time they were gone i was talking to Sarah finding out what i have missed since i have been gone. Everything was still the same except from a new president and a couple new dealings and the club house is more modern and more active with partying and the club member decides what old lady they have and the old lady has no say what so ever they just have to go with the flow.

"Its getting closer to tomorrow with your dads funeral, its going to be massive because he was the president and he was happy with lots of people except his rivals, of course, soo we didn't know you were coming soo we don't really have space in the car to go to the church, your brothers are taking there bikes and having some family members on the back, the only person who has not is Jase, i know these men don't allow anyone on there bikes but ill talk to Jase hopefully its a one off but then again he always stays by his rules that the only person on the back of his bike will be his old lady only." 

Sarah says babbling again, god she can talk there's no stopping her. "Yeah that is weird the last time i was on the back of a bike was when i was going out with that lad Dean, that was only a small crush tho then he left. Anyways its ok ill catch a taxi its fine i don't want to jump on any ones toes, if you need help in the catering or pulling drinks i can help out anytime. I'm only stopping for tomorrow and the next then im out of here." i say drinking another shot of vodka.

I about jump out of my seat when i hear my brothers voice Keiron say out of no where, "No your not leaving! you will stay here and that is the end of it i will do anything in my power even if that means locking you in this club house or kidnapping you from different states for you to stay, you ain't leaving us again we just got you back and father did say to get you back and now that we have you, you ain't going no where! do you understand!" I don't say anything, i've never saw Keiron get angry like this before, this is a different side to Keiron and i don't like it, it terrifies me and im scared and thats the first. "Answer Keiron right now little sis, he wont say it again and if he does then so hope you god, now do you understand!" Dane says holding my chin making me look at him.

"Yes." i squeak out quietly whilst nodding my head, "Good now little sis, ill show you your room where you will be staying from now on then you will sleep, and in the morning you will get ready and you will ride with Jase, yes!" Dane asks but more like commanding me to do as he says and that i have no say in what so ever.

"Jase dont let no one on the back of his bike except only his old lady and anyway i cant go on another mans bike because im already claimed to someone else and tha'ts club rules Dane." i say innocently, i look over to Jase and see his jaw is clenched and his hands in fists,

 i haven't done anything wrong so whys he angry? "Look little sister that little boy who you were with wasn't an actual club member so Sandra you ain't claimed yet and i will have the say who your going to be claimed to." Keiron says after he calms himself down. "Sandra be by my bike by 9 on the dot and if your not so hope you god you better be there otherwise i will drag you screaming and shouting my name and to be honest i really dont want you shouting my name like that but only in my bed baby, so be by my bike by 9 on the dot." Jase says walking off, wow whats got his panties in the twist now he does scare me.

Going to my room i get settled down and put my clothes away whilst thinking 'im going to have to get out of here its like prison, my brothers are over protective and with the rules that you can get claimed and you have no say in it that's terrifying' . I get my on and get under the double bed and drift off to sleep.

Hey guys hope your liking the story soo far ill update the next chapter with the funeral tomorrow, comment like, vote and share thank you.  

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