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'You love him Jet. Admit it, you feel so attached to him that it's an instinct to you to love him.'

The words of Smellerbee rang through Jet's head as he laid on his back in the grassy field on the night of a full moon, one of his tan hands running through another figure's black locks as said figure rested their head on his bare chest. They had been like this for a while, a good hour at least, and Jet was, dare he say it, completely content. Something he hadn't been in a long time.

"Jet?" The figure on top of him mumbled sleepily when they felt the Freedom Fighter's tan fingers stop running through their hair, one pale hand coming up to drowsily rub at beautiful golden eyes.

"Yes, Li?" Jet questioned back, sitting up slightly so he could rest on his elbows as Li lifted his head. Brown and gold looked into each other for a moment.

"I love you," the words were a whisper past pale lips, a blush covering Li's face the whole while as he looked everywhere else expect for the elder's eyes.

Jet smirked and lifted the pale teen's face up by the chin, sitting up further just enough to allow him to kiss the other sweetly and passionately.

"I love you too," Jet whispered as he broke away and laid back down, smiling when the other laid his head back down on his partner's tan chest and began to hum an old tune.

Tan fingers found their way back into the ink black locks and Jet found himself humming along with Li, his lower pitched voice blending well with the other's more baritone.

This is how they were supposed to be: no tea shops, no revenge, no living up to reputations, no stress.

Just Jet and Li, cuddling together under a full moon and a blanket of stars in a open field.

This seemed like it came naturally, as if he was meant to be with Li forever.

And loving Li for him may have seemed like an instinct. But laying there, under all those brilliant stars, Jet was sure that Li was the best instinct he could ever have.

Author's Note: I think this is the shortest story I have ever written, but despite that, I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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