Chapter 1

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A.N.: So I decided to start another story. It's much different from my other stories, but so much more fum to write. (I'm kind of experimenting with different kinds of writing styles and plots.)

The chapters might be shorter but they wont take as long to update. please tell me what you think!


"What time is it?"

"One minute later than the last time you asked, Harry," Liam grunted, desperately trying to concentrate on the papers in front of him.

Harry just spinned around in his chair. He loved those comfy office chairs.

"Li, what time-"

"You know what, I had told you so many times that it wouldn't be excited police work you would help me with, just some stupid paperwork. I've warned you, but you still agreed. So shut up and continue working on the task I gave you!"

Harry stopped spinning. Instead he started watching his friend with eyes wide out of shock. The twent-three year old was certainly not used to Liam being angry, let alone cursing.

Afterwards he decided to just give the scattered papers in front of him a look. He sighed. Maybe if he stared hard enough, they would orden themselves?

"What time is it?"

'Li' let his head fall down on his desk, causing a concerning loud thumb. He groaned so loudly that it looked like he had given up on everything in life. Including puppies.

Shakily Liam lifted his head, a saccharine smile creeping on his face, almost worse than the Cheshire cat.

"Hazza...," he spoke softly, although even a ladybug could see it was forced as his fingernails were clawing inch-deep holes in his desk from inner fury,

"Why don't you go get us something to eat? Clear your head, so you can work better later. In the meantime I'll just continue here," his voice managed to sound gently, but his eyes practically screamed murder, and not the quick, clean kind of murder.

"Sure," Harry chipped and left in a whimp, not even bothered to ask Liam what he wanted. Not that the other lad probably cared, Liam was already glad that he could finally try to finish his assignment without Harry's constant interruptions.

The boy slowly made his way over to the vending machine room. Really, this police office had a whole room only for vending machines. It certainly crushed down the whole donut-stereotype completely.

When he arrived, the room was empty but for one other man standing right in front of Harry's favourite vending machine.

Harry didn't know why, but something in his gut told him that he'd seen the lad before.

"Do I know you?" the curly-haired boy asked, tilting his head to the side as the other lad opened a bag of m&m's, popping a red one in his mouth.

"Well unfortunately I don't think I know you, but I'm sure that'll change soon," the man answered vaguely, smirking in his direction.

"Oh, it's just, you look familiar, that's all," Harry shrugged, still standing in the doorhold. He tried to come over as casually waiting, but actually he wanted desperately to get his Twix. The lad was still standing in his way though, so he had to wait.

A silence struck the room, and because Harry hated awkward silences, he couldn't help but fill it in with his obnoxious rambling, "Well of course you don't know me. I don't work here. Well, I do, but just for a week, because Liam offered me the job and I just graduated so, yeah."

The other lad, who Harry now smugly noticed was much smaller tham himself, looked at him with a sincere interest, munching on another red m&m. Glad with the attention, Harry continued his rambling.

"So I studied French and Dutch at uni and mastered in Biology, not really something you would need to get a job like this, and I know Dutch is like practically the most useless language ever, but like I said before, this is only for a week. Apparantly they've finally managed to catch the infamous Louis Tomlinson and that comes with a lot of extra work so-"

An old 'Wanted' poster, stitched at the wall right behind the stranger, suddenly caught Harry's attention. His eyes widened in realization as he gulped for breath, a fish on land, before he could finally utter the truth.

"You- You're Louis Tomlinson!"

The not-really-stranger-anymore only smiled wickily, popping another red m&m in his mouth.

"You- I- You have to get back to your cell!" Harry had just decided that this was it. He finally got to have the heroïc moment he'd always dreamed of.

"And how are you gonna manage that, Curly?" Louis questioned, not feeling in the least bit threatened. His eyes burned from amused curiosity though, "Don't see any cuffs or weapens on you."

Harry didn't even let him finish before starting to frantically search his pockets, turning them inside-out, until, finally, he had found it back. He then held it up high with a smile, beaming with pride, "Who said I didn't carry a weapon!"

The two boys blinked for a couple of moments.

"Is that a lighter," Louis squinted his eyes in suspice.

He got a proud nod as answer.

"Do you smoke?!" Louis piped up, feeling more disgusted by the thought of Harry slowly killing his lungs than threathened by the weapon.

"No, of course not," Harry snorted matter-of-factly like he couldn't even believe that Louis had come to that deduction, "I collect them. I've got pink ones and rainbow and some with horses on. I even have one signed by the girl who invented the paperclip, which I had no idea that it had been a girl. She even gave me her number!" Harry smiled by the memory.

"For some reason I've always liked them, fire as well, but I'm too much of a coward to really start a big fire. I'm just not fond of the word arson, you know. Although pyromaniac sounds nice. Every word ending on -maniac does: Kleptomaniac, pyromaniac, mythomaniac,... But you probably know that already 'cause apparently you're all three of them. Which reminds me that you really have to get back to your cell."

Harry swinged dramatically with his polka-dotted lighter, challenging Louis with a certain defiance in his gestures.

"So that's it?" the smaller boy sighed, "You want to put me back behind the bars, using fire to force me?"

"Well, yeah," Harry stated, still wiggling the object in his hand, "It's obvious who's got the upper hand here."

"Is it? Is it really, though?"

Louis was suddenly holding something that looked suspiciously like a Nerf-gun, only green instead of orange. No way in hell that he could have hidden that monster in the pockets of his sinful-thight maroon jeans.

A smirk appeared once again on his face, "Good try, kiddo, but I think the tables have turned."

Before Harry could even change his dumbfounded look into something less surprised and more courageous, Louis had already pulled the trigger, sending a red dart into his neck.

Even more startled than before, Harry muttered a soft 'aw', before pulling the dart out of his skin.

"What do you think I am? An animal?" He spoke up, suddenly irritated. But then the edges of his sight started to fade, colours blurring into each other and, huh, how did his legs work again?

He hadn't seen Louis coming his way, but apparently he had, because someone was gently letting Harry down on the ground and, well, there had only been one other person in the room possessing such vibrant blue eyes.

He tried to fight back, he really did. But he couldn't find Louis anymore in between the purple elephants and sea-urchins, swimming around him, dancing and inviting Harry to join them.

The last thing that came up in his mind was that, if Louis really had poisoned him, if he really was going to die, than Harry would have had the worst last words ever. Fuck his life.

"Thanks for the lighter, Curly."

In the end, the rose fuzzy cloud turned into an all-absorbing black.

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